Example sentences of "[adj] [pn reflx] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 We saw this ourselves during the filming of a television sequence on the laying behaviour of the cuckoo .
2 But the literal Levi is a writer who has his own way of interesting himself in the contrasts which have been attributed to Babel .
3 Of course he had wondered this himself in the past .
4 One comes across a man who resigned his post because of the grief occasioned by the death of a son ; or another who , from disappointed expectations , turned to drugs and thereby unfitted himself for the offices he coveted .
5 A figure in brown detached itself from the shadows , reached into the bin with a look of disgust on his face , and pocketed the crumpled paper without reading it .
6 From right beside Lawton something huge detached itself from the shadows .
7 ( 1 ) As he was obliged to do , the charging officer ( at a time when the Director was already interesting herself in the matter ) had told the applicant that he was not obliged to say anything ; yet only two weeks later the Serious Fraud Office was warning the applicant that he was going to be interviewed under compulsory powers ; and it was not much longer still before the office formally put him on notice that he would be asked questions which he would be compelled to answer on pain of punishment .
8 The British themselves at the end of the talks conceded the pre-eminence of the Standing Group .
9 Having found a food-source in the evening , they will fly straight back to it the following morning , still guiding themselves by the sun even though it is now in the east and not the west .
10 It is up to you whether you allow him or her to call you as being late or early ; I like to do this myself from the back of the boat .
11 Burun uncoiled himself in a single elastic stretch of his torso , and he stood up .
12 Innocent III himself by the bull " Vineam Domini " of April 1213 summoned a great council to meet at the Lateran in Rome on 1 November 1215 to be known as the Fourth Lateran Council .
13 He had made Huddersfield a great club , and in so doing established himself as a unique figure , the first of the modern soccer managers .
14 She stood still for a moment and looked up and down the street ; it seemed to shine ; the light the sun had poured onto the packed dirt of the road glowed back pewter under the stars ; there was no longer any moon , it had set earlier that night , and the dimensions of the scene had expanded , creating a vacancy which made Rosa feel her pulse quicken , as if she too were growing , becoming less stubby , less compact , stretching upwards and turning silvery herself like the leaf of an olive when the breeze lifts it and shows its metallic underside .
15 She had unconsciously put into practice the Winnie the Pooh principle , which rules that the most effective method of searching for a lost person or object is to get lost oneself on the assumption that some force of nature brings all forgotten things together in ignored niches and unfrequented locales .
16 Given that a prime reason for investing in science is to boost the nation 's technological performance , where was the discussion about the implications of the government 's plans to privatise the British Technology Group , the descendant of a body set up by Labour itself in the mid-1960s to perform precisely this task ?
17 It was also a desire for therapy , a wish to subordinate himself to the specific kind of " scientific " discipline that , over the previous half-century , classical philology had everywhere become .
18 Secondly , if on the other hand he were completely to subordinate himself to the new Government his influence in Parliament and the country would quickly be eroded .
19 But they left largely unchallenged the Bolshevik view of October 1917 itself as the greatest achievement of the world revolutionary movement .
20 But it says humble yourself under the hand , under the mighty hand of God , then in that day he will lift you up , he will exult you !
21 When overtures were received from the Czech resistance movement Vlasov was persuaded to allow his men to aid the anti-communist uprising in Prague on 7 May 1945 , in the vain hope of ingratiating themselves with the allies , and of winning sanctuary from an independent Czech government .
22 Carol had more or less righted herself by the time I let her out of the side door .
23 More or less fancied herself as a fox , the largest predator in the British Isles , beautiful pelt , amber eyes , full and gorgeous tail ; a stink to drive away the timid .
24 And I did n't feel too good myself as the police officer helped wedge me into its driving seat and tried to shut the warped front door .
25 Emma will be able to tell you all about that herself with a little help from her owner if you ring her on .
26 In Elders IXL/Allied Lyons ( 1986 ) the MMC concerned itself with the method by which Elders ' bid was to be financed , but came to the view that the issue of leveraged bids was not one on which it should pronounce .
27 To date the QAU has not concerned itself as a unit with the issue of school internal/self evaluation .
28 She devised the decorations at Middle Temple following a design used by Elizabeth I herself for a party at Whitehall which is described in detail in the State Papers .
29 But he also likes this method because it appears that the famine is caused by the Irish themselves as a result of their lack of husbandry ( which confirms their savagery ) and , thus , appears a natural reward of their refusal to accept the civility of English rule .
30 I ungummed myself from the seat , climbed out and paid the driver through his side window — a London habit , and a bad one for New York .
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