Example sentences of "[adj] [Wh adv] an [noun prp] " in BNC.

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1 The SNC agreed to meet again in New York on Sept. 21 when an SNC delegation would attend the 46th UN General Assembly .
2 Scare stories about Britain 's beaches have abounded since 1976 when an EEC directive laid down the acceptable limits of sewage pollution , the year Wessex Water set about turning the tide of increasingly dirty beaches .
3 This question arose in the Strauss case in 1958 when an M.P. , taking up a matter on behalf of a constituent , made certain allegations against the Electricity Board .
4 One British Army soldier was killed and another was seriously injured on May 16 when an IRA bomb exploded under an Army van at an Army careers information office in Wembley , London .
5 A member of the Woman 's Royal Army Corps and a passer-by were injured on Feb. 20 when an IRA bomb fell from underneath a van and exploded in Leicester city centre .
6 An intensive series of bomb and gun attacks on the British mainland [ see pp. 37536-37 ] continued on July 20 when an IRA bomb exploded at the stock exchange building in central London , following a number of telephone warnings to newspapers , news agencies and the police .
7 Three constables of the Royal Ulster Constabulary ( RUC ) , travelling in an unmarked but armoured police car , were killed on July 24 when an IRA landmine exploded on a road between Armagh and Killylea in Co .
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