Example sentences of "[adj] [n mass] [subord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 At first John imagined that this was relief food on its way to a Commissariat depot , for it was guarded by a large body of troops , about eighty infantry and fifty cavalry as well as two field guns and their crews — half on one bank , half on the other .
2 Dr Michael Moore of Glasgow University showed that mothers who drank water with a high lead level were twice as likely to have mentally retarded babies ; 61 per cent of mothers involved in stillbirths or whose foetuses were abnormal had placental lead levels over 1.5 ppm whereas only 7 per cent of those with normal babies had such high lead levels .
3 The result was that the Ops inspectors were not only permitted but actually put under pressure to qualify and remain current on at least one large modern public transport aircraft while at the same time flying club and private aircraft as well .
4 Since a GIS involves the storage , and manipulation of spatial data as well as the use of a graphical display system ( 2 or 3 dimensional data display ) it is feasible that the impression conveyed by the same data used in conjunction with a different display system might be distorted and might not permit future users to comprehend the meaning that it originally communicated .
5 TOA I reveals an apparent molecular mass of 43 kDa as previously described ( 24 ) .
6 At one time — probably at any time between the Restoration and , for a terminal date , the Second World War — those questions might have been rejected by literate folk as quite foolish and empty ; because Horace has been , after all , almost an honorary Briton , so pervasive is his cultural presence .
7 Would you get a mixture , would you ever get the freshwater fish as well as the sea fish ?
8 I suspect that , apart from being a most interesting fish for the hobbyist , at some time in the future scientists may come to look upon this fish as particularly interesting because of its many divergences from the normal Mbuna characteristics — in its habitat , less boisterous behaviour , relatively mute coloration , size dimorphism , sexual precocity , large brood size and small fry .
9 Without any data being available on this fish as yet , it is difficult to say what the adult size might be , but it would appear to be about 12cm .
10 I have weighed quite a few bream as soon as I have removed the hook , and again several hours later , and while they always lose some weight , there is no specific loss in terms of so many ounces per hour .
11 It houses at least one so far uncontacted tribal people as well one of the continent 's last undisturbed elephant populations .
12 Well it would be nice , be nice to meet different meeting different people as well
13 Julian : ‘ I 'd like to think we can get successful being the way we are , a gay man , a Welsh man and a Jewish man with no f—ing pretensions — our music is more interesting than other bands and we 're interesting people as well .
14 As she was also trying out several other would-be choreographers and having new ballets made for Sadler 's Wells by Ashton and Howard too , she could hardly have done more for someone who was regarded as promising ( by some people as highly promising ) but unproven .
15 But that privilege maybe denied to some people because biologically they are not perfect , in the way that other people are not biologically perfect , and I do n't think we can demand the right
16 This approach has the advantage of accommodating in one framework the needs of dependent people as well as those of less dependent people .
17 It 's it 's er , the travellers tradition and it goes back to the old tradition of the Scottish people as well
18 And Labour MPs immediately demanded he apologise to the British people as well .
19 and if we divvied up the exam fee on a fifty per cent basis it would mean that B A I E were getting twenty quid for doing nothing but probably more twenty quids than they would get normally because students who would be attracted in through Napier would be paying their forty quid as well
20 He saw a bookshop that would stock ‘ a full range of publishers ’ books both new and backlist , but also videos , cassettes , perhaps music , and certainly the new electronic media as well . ’
21 Because of modern methods of food preparation and presentation , and the trend to make foods more appealing by adding saturated fat and refined sugar , slim people as well as their weightier friends are likely to be eating too rich a diet .
22 Lear set himself up in his lodgings with the necessary lithographic paraphernalia as well as the heavy stones , which he would carry from Gray 's Inn Road to Hullmandel 's printing shop in Great Marlborough Street as soon as they were completed .
23 Not only are they one of the best campaigning organisations around , keeping the welfare of British birds well up on the conservation agenda , their quarterly magazine is full of interesting information on different species as well as tips on the best places to go .
24 But the development of trusts and the final disappearance of common law dower rights in 1833 meant that until the late nineteenth-century reassertion of women 's independent property rights , a wealthy widow was much more dependent on her male kin than either in the past or today .
25 Lunging forward with a net , he caught not just a leaf but a tiny fish as well .
26 Of course , if that 's too much for you , there is always the Princes over at Newport , but they will get all the future fish as well . ’
27 ‘ He took me to the dance , it 's true , ’ said Hyacinth , her temper showing , ‘ but I ditched the ginger swine as soon as I possibly could . ’
28 The campaign is supported by Labour and Liberal MPs as well as distinguished scientists and jurists .
29 erm I 'm very much aware that the challenges are ahead of us , both in terms of erm dealing with a difficult financial situation , which has been the pattern now for three or four years , but also in entering certain fields and approaches to arts activity that perhaps require more of the central staff than previously .
30 And large numbers of ordinary people as well used to die of TB .
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