Example sentences of "[adj] [that] has [verb] " in BNC.

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1 It is the realisation of this that has led to sensory methods of assessment being developed .
2 It is this that has led students of social policy to draw attention to the significant impact of war upon policy .
3 It is this that has made some Americans say that , if Iraq agreed to withdraw from Kuwait , it must abandon its tanks and other heavy equipment .
4 This has made it possible to keep much greater numbers of animals in much greater stocking densities in intensive housing , and it is this that has made factory-farming possible .
5 It is this that has caused many readers to find in Troilus and Cressida a nihilistic vision of human life , where nothing of true value is maintained .
6 In effect this has meant approximately 400,000 new and inexperienced customers coming on to the overseas market each year , and it is this that has kept the traditional inclusive tour package alive .
7 It is this that has allowed the astonishingly rapid conquest of the terrestrial environment and the anthropogenic changes in habitat resulting from accelerating rates of population increase and extension of urban environments .
8 We calculate from regression that A/g of oats and mustard would have increased 14.1 to 16.4mmol CO 2 per mol H 2 O , respectively , with the increase from 275 to 350μmolmol -1 CO 2 that has occurred since 1800 .
9 South Korea 's reafforestation and erosion control programme is one of the few that has enjoyed considerable success .
10 According to De Quincey , Coleridge had ‘ the largest and most spacious intellect , the subtlest and most comprehensive that has existed among men ’ .
11 We are extremely fortunate that has agreed to continue to work as part-time Secretary to the Society and she will be there to deal personally with any Q.T 's queries etc on those days .
12 If we stand back and consider the structure which has resulted from the combination of primary rules of obligation with the secondary rules of recognition , change and adjudication , it is plain that we have here not only the heart of a legal system , but a most powerful tool for the analysis of much that has puzzled both the jurist and the political theorist …
13 Situated close to Harrods and just a few doors along Beauchamp Place from Kanga , the dress shop owned by Prince Charles 's confidante Lady Tryon , San Lorenzo has been at the centre of much that has happened around Diana this year .
14 The chief ambulance officer , Mr Jim Barkley , said he had asked for police help on behalf of the 12 district health authorities because it was ‘ a very serious escalation — the worst that has hit us ’ .
15 One can only just go on hoping and praying that it is the best and not the worst that has happened .
16 This is a Left that has seen that competition and pricing are virtues .
17 It is the left that has espoused the causes of sexual and racial equality with enough vigour to persuade the establishment that action needed to be taken ( a host of anti-discrimination measures and laws ) , but without the power to make the sort of widespread social change that would render this sort of fussy , bureaucratic measurement unnecessary .
18 The company is the first , and so far the only , firm that has won permission from the government to compete with British Telecom , now that the government has removed Telecom 's monopoly over telecommunications services .
19 No doubt the directors , led by Sir Christopher Benson , would claim it is their management since taking control in 1987 that has made it so valuable .
20 It is not just their passionate hatred of the Vietnamese that has kept the Khmer Rouge together in the malarial jungles for 10 years .
21 It is impossible exactly to define what is modern dance because the body is the same that has danced for hundreds of years .
22 Indeed , this event was the first of several that has enabled Keith to use his knowledge of Russian as he has also been asked to write a short speech for a Coopers and Lybrand partner in Sheffield and subsequently coach him with his delivery skills .
23 Inspect stored fruit every week and throw out any that has started to go rotten .
24 Thus began a rich collaboration between the two that has lasted nearly five decades .
25 Thus began a rich collaboration between the two that has lasted nearly five decades .
26 This absorption gives the spectacular deep blue that has made it a popular material for ornaments since the Middle Ages .
27 In fact , ‘ Damnation Derek ’ is a Christian who believes in ‘ Witnessing ’ and it is this simple , even commendable desire to tell others about God and all things Christian that has earned him his nickname ( 'Damnation' is n't his real name — in case you thought he had very unloving parents ! ) and which has made him a Playground Health Hazard .
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