Example sentences of "[adj] [not/n't] to [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's often more exciting not to preplan what 's going to happen in the scene , but we do need to know what has happened up to now .
2 The corrugations of the track were half-filled with grit so that the wheel lost momentum in each hollow and at times I thought of myself as an engine-driver , pushing my train back to the station , always careful not to trip over the sleepers .
3 She placed the cheque in her bag , let herself out through the back way and , checking that Ryan had gone , because she did n't want him following her , she walked along the lane , careful not to trip on muddy ruts .
4 remember , be careful not to trip
5 She was ever watchful , and careful not to court publicity .
6 I do n't think the snake had fully wakened up when I caught it , and I was careful not to jar it as I ran back to where my brothers and Blyth were lying on the grass .
7 The ultimate weakening of this unique ascendancy was due not to lack of outstanding operatic composers to continue the tradition , though vernacular opera — sometimes consciously national and therefore to some extent anti-Italian — produced more and more gifted rivals .
8 It is possible that the different results for dichotic recognition of melodies obtained by Kimura ( 1964 ) and Gordon ( 1970 ) were due not to stimulus differences in the two experiments but to differences in the musical experience of the subjects employed .
9 In part this is due not to ignorance of the Act , but rather to the not unreasonable proposition that , since the Act prescribes no penalty for inserting such clauses , in cases of doubt it is better to have the clause present " in terrorem " , even if , in the ultimate event of legal proceedings , it is held invalid .
10 This failure is due not to cussedness but to ignorance of what Parliament intended by the obscure words of the legislation .
11 When the people from Furnace Road visit the new housing estates they feel hemmed in , for though they live in a tight little terrace with backyard behind , and rug-sized gardens in front , they are used to a spaciousness that is due not to planning but to the lack of plan .
12 Does not that nail the lie being put around that these circumstances are due not to world but to British recession ?
13 I did not speak to Harold Wilson or to Lady Falkender about the matter , since I was sure that strenuous efforts would be made to prevent disclosure , but I was equally sure from Denis Hamilton 's attitude that this would not succeed and it was therefore better not to try .
14 He had learnt early on that it was better not to flounder ; a simple admittance of ignorance was much to be preferred to any amount of flannel .
15 As in London , the civil authorities were anxious not to court unpopularity by exacting vengeance on the twelve seamen ultimately arrested .
16 Phoebe opened her eyes and saw the abstracted professional look in the doctor 's face ; attentive not to Phoebe but to the lump , to the breast itself .
17 When she saw Daniel , shedding red and white fuzz , she said palely that she was afraid now she would lose little Stephen , it was hope that killed you , was n't it , best not to hope , but what else could you do , sitting there ?
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