Example sentences of "[adj] [not/n't] [verb] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Does this not silence them ?
2 Wo n't you feel funny not cooking it ?
3 The young seem disposed not to like it ; older people , among them Classical scholars , think better of it , feeling perhaps a greater reverence for the name and nature of Alfred Edward Housman .
4 He held the door open for her and she was very careful not to touch him as she passed .
5 For a long time he held the photograph , fingering it gently , careful not to mark it , and then he pinned it to the cork-board on the wall .
6 He closed the door and went across , pulling the sheet back slowly , careful not to wake her , exposing the fullness of her rump , the elegance of her back .
7 But they 're careful not to hit him where the bruises will shew .
8 Thus when Mu Sagittarii has been definitely located , it is not hard to move on to M25 , M17 , M21 , M20 and M8 , though the beginner will have to be careful not to confuse them .
9 Only in the evenings did I spend some time with Mr Rochester , and I was careful not to allow him to hold me in his arms or kiss me .
10 ‘ Oh yes — but I 'm careful not to wear them on my sleeve ! ’
11 Cornelius had heard tell of bastards and how , if you ever met any , you should be careful not to let them grind you down .
12 Be careful not to let it bubble .
13 She was careful not to push me in a direction I did n't want to go .
14 Mr Balladur , aware that these accusations may have contributed to the suicide on May 1st of the former prime minister , Pierre Bérégovoy , has been careful not to repeat them .
15 If necessary , use a padsaw to free the disc , but be careful not to lose it down the stack .
16 ‘ Now be careful not to lose it .
17 " We must be very careful not to jeopardize them . "
18 They were careful not to disturb him .
19 If I were you Dusty I 'd be careful not to annoy him today . ’
20 I had the feeling they were " not quite right " , steeled myself to go on , careful not to annoy them .
21 If you treat me like an ox to be bargained for , I should be the more careful not to annoy you .
22 And given the power he now wields , he says he 's being careful not to blow it .
23 You must be careful not to overdo it on the beach however , because the nightlife in Malia is simply explosive .
24 Never take up a new sport when you are pregnant , and be careful not to overdo it , especially around the dates then your first few periods would have been due .
25 She had never even asked if there was a photograph of her father , and she supposed they had been so careful not to upset her that they had never offered one .
26 He 'd been careful not to tell her anything , but she was n't altogether a fool .
27 I myself have been very careful not to tell you where they live , and I am not about to tell you now .
28 Making the bend in a bamboo stick is surprisingly easy over a candle flame or similar , but be careful not to burn it at this vital centre point of the kite !
29 Tips are an obvious source of additional income , although porters must be careful not to solicit them .
30 Before I try another trot down I remove the two old maggots from the hook and impale a single fresh one , being careful not to burst it with the size 18 hook which , although sharp , is rather thick in the wire for maggot fishing .
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