Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] even the " in BNC.

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1 But while it is impossible to overstress the importance of Cézanne in the emergence of Cubism , it is wrong to see even the earliest Cubist painting simply as a direct continuation of him .
2 Parliament , he said , had been careful to avoid even the appearance of countenancing such a doctrine .
3 It would be better not to have an environmental audit if your management is not prepared to adopt even the less radical recommendations .
4 Most surprising of all , it has demonstrated that the scientific method , as it is presently formulated , is not adequate to explain even the physical universe , let alone human beings and their psyches .
5 It is known that the sea is cruel , but it is also humourless , so few laughs are prompted by this book and after some glum pages it is easy to crave even the schoolboy humour of Stephen Leacock 's skit , Soaked in Seaweed .
6 In the not-too-distant past the attitude of physicians was very much to avoid even the suggestion of hypoglycaemic reactions at any time , and always to keep a little glucose in the urine , especially at bedtime .
7 From more than a few feet it was impossible to tell even the sex of the figure .
8 Appropriately it kicks off on the stroke of midnight tomorrow with a pyrotechnic extravaganza likely to distract even the most serious Hogmanay party-goers .
9 She did n't want to explain that she had been too nervous to go in the kitchen and cook it , too lily-livered to turn her back to the window as she lit the gas , too timorous to cause even the tiny sounds of roasting game .
10 Narrow fairways , water carries , 4-foot putts for par , a myriad of challenges likely to reduce even the most hardened player to a quivering wreck .
11 They all stood in the rapidly darkening garden , most of them glad to have even the illusion of activity to take their minds off the unchanging situation .
12 It is also likely to bring even the larger authorities face to face with the problem of staff mobility — where the absence of one or two people attending an external course may be relatively easily absorbed ( except in smaller authorities ) , internal training is uneconomic for one or two people — and ideally , lends itself to a continuous programme .
13 She looked through the drawers of Bob 's desk , curious to explore even the most unconsidered corners of his life .
14 There is something strange about a subject in which its research workers are willing to dabble at the application of the jargon of thermodynamics but unwilling to apply even the most rudimentary aspects of mechanics to these problems .
15 Feeling pleased for them , I lowered the binoculars through which I 'd been able to see even the tears on Mrs Unwin 's cheeks , and there below me and in front of the grandstand was the man with the gaunt face looking up towards the Clubhouse windows .
16 Desperately he clung to it unable to bear even the thought of the nothingness again , and felt Fox 's fury lash against him .
17 The fact was that , since the ancient and mysterious spell had squatted in his mind , he had been unable to remember even the simplest cantrap for , say , killing cockroaches or scratching the small of his back without using his hands .
18 Some of them would make their way to the railway station , but a few , having no horse and trap and unable to afford even the train fare , would travel on foot the whole week , often sleeping rough in the fields or in barns or farmhouses .
19 They may become apathetic , unable to do even the simplest task .
20 Theoretically , therefore , the family is in the exceptional position of being able to put even the most historic items on the market .
21 It would be unwise to allow even the possibility of criticism on a matter as important as adjudication .
22 Her denunciation rang through the dinner party and it was sufficiently vigorous to deter even the drunken George from persisting .
23 Much would clearly depend on the availability of resources , as some RACs stated that they had insufficient to meet even the targets for induction contained in Circular 11/77 while others indicated that all the targets would be met with existing resources .
24 He tried to shout for help , but was too weak to raise even the feeblest of cries .
25 But they are only statistics and , of course , there are times when it is right to rethink even the most deeply held beliefs .
26 But at least the Knitting Factory is blessed with a far better PA than is the normal preserve of such places — donated , apparently , by no less than Laurie Anderson — and the fragile webs of such head-in-the-oven epics as ‘ Power Failure ’ and the pulse-pummelling opener ‘ Bell ’ remain sufficiently well-spun to snag even the most neutral observer .
27 Parents find it extremely difficult to provide even the basic necessities for life today , and certainly when you begin to think of the sort of things that most children in this country have on a day-to-day basis — an ice cream , a trip to the swimming baths and so on — these families do n't er it 's a major crisis to provide for example sixty pence as entry to a swimming pool .
28 He was finding it difficult to extract even the names of the people who had been on the dahabeeyah .
29 The dark outline of the forest was enough to discourage even the boldest mutineer .
30 Mr Meacher claimed yesterday that next April the value of those allowances would not be enough to cover even the most conservative forecasts of average poll tax payments .
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