Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] him [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He was so respected by his natural enemies , the Moors , that when he was exiled by his Christian overlords , they were more than willing to give him shelter and employment .
2 It all started when she saw a hamster in a pet shop and decided to get another to keep him company .
3 In all probability Craigbarnet did not really expect to displace Kirkton as collector , for as one of his friends put it , ‘ if your grace be not alrady ingaged it would be a great act of charity , but if you are he is willing to joyn him self wt any on[e] your Grace will name ’ .
4 And it 's not gon na be easy to get him outta the country … .
5 And a fifty pound fee for the privilege of taking photographs of him was hardly likely to win him friends among the assembled media .
6 His gloom was reinforced because the Lebanese embassy had just refused him a visa and the only two countries he thought he could get into were Jordan and Romania , neither of which were likely to offer him employment .
7 He enclosed a cover note , explaining in his clerkly style that it was of course only a rough estimate , and that I was n't beholden to reimburse him penny for penny .
8 But it would be good to see him project a little , and not withdraw into his shell .
9 It made me feel better to call him sir .
10 ‘ I have no confidence in Charles and would not be happy to see him King . ’
11 Indeed , the internal acrimony levelled against him at times has been such that , when his departure was announced , the best that some figures within the health network could say was ‘ we 'll be very happy to wish him goodbye ’ .
12 Chatting to PC Coupland , an avuncular , agreeable man of 39 with the sort of handshake which suggests it would be unwise to give him occasion to put you in an armlock , was to realise that the rural bobby 's function remains essentially unchanging .
13 Win or lose , in a contest over a collectorship the office was a liability to a politician , more apt to cost him friends than to lead to anything useful for his interest .
14 Of course she was smiling — if she handled it right this time , she might be able to ask him point blank for a particular day and time for that — perhaps not so accursed — interview .
15 I was annoyed really to hear Harry speak and I I do n't normally get annoyed with my friend Harry from Loughborough er , but I was annoyed to hear him talk of disaster if there is any disaster involved in this we are averting disaster today and this is a significant decision of the county council to move forward .
16 While one can not always rely on Taskopruzade for precision in regard to dates , nor for that matter even in regard to the reigns in which various events occurred , as has been seen , it is hard to accept that he is in error by some twenty or twenty-five years , especially in a period close enough to his own to allow him access to people who had lived in that period .
17 The admission was enough to make him doze .
18 His father had decided while his son was still very young to give him instruction in using a steerage-drill , a machine to drill or sow the corn : this was an operation that demanded a high degree of skill and also care not to jeopardize one 's own reputation because any mistake one made in the drilling would be visible to all when the crop came up .
19 When I intervened in the right hon. Gentleman 's speech he replied in such confusion that I thought it best to give him time to reflect , and to ask my question again later .
20 He had chain-smoked all the way down and Adam had had one or two to keep him company , though he did n't really like putting something lighted in his mouth .
21 Among other things , I was anxious to show him Chaldon Church , with its medieval wall painting of the Last Judgment .
22 I edged behind my master , ready to give him support and wondering if Ricard had locked the door behind him .
23 The Rank Organisation 's policy defines exceptional cases as those where ‘ the recruit 's seniority , special skills , experience or qualifications make it particularly desirable to offer him employment and it appears improbable that he will accept unless a contribution is made towards his relocation expenses ’ .
24 The ‘ Blanco script ’ — with its romance , riddles and emotion — captured the imagination of the public who turned up in their thousands to bid him farewell in his first and last Championship final .
25 The Divisional Court of the Queen 's Bench Division granted the applicant a declaration to the effect that the Director was entitled to ask him questions after he had been charged but only after administering a fresh caution and that the fact of such a caution would be reasonable excuse for a refusal to answer within section 2(13) of the Act of 1987 .
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