Example sentences of "[adj] [to-vb] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Market saturation caused a subsequent downturn as working-class wage levels proved too low to enable the market to be extended further .
2 Using an expert system ( ES ) , it is possible to acquire the knowledge/expertise from experts and make it always available , i.e. to the less skilled servicing personnel .
3 ‘ But this contravened a beef farmer 's right to claim the premium subject to a two month retention period and overall stocking limits .
4 I was deeply disappointed that neither the hon. Member for Tooting , in a 40-minute speech , nor the hon. Member for Hammersmith , except in an intervention , found it possible to acknowledge the contribution made by housing associations .
5 However , if it is thought that the joint tenancy might be severed ( and there might be good matrimonial or tax planning reasons for this ) it is preferable to include the enlargement of powers as in Precedent 34 for otherwise the trustees of the conveyance may not have power to mortgage or charge the property ( see Perpetuities and Accumulations Act 1964 , s8 ) .
6 Health workers , councillors and union leaders are all due to attend the meeting in Dovercourt on March 22 and they want Dr Davison to attend .
7 Examination papers should be approved four months before students are due to sit the examination and centres should allow three months for the moderation process ( to allow for any resubmission ) .
8 Moreover , the responsibility to implement will itself affect the earlier stages of project promotion and analysis through the way those due to implement the project expect to be rewarded or punished .
9 For a little while she 'd almost managed to forget about Marianne. , She should have known the other woman would n't allow that to remain the case for very long .
10 Is it possible to arrange the search space such that these conditions do not arise ?
11 It should be possible to compare the cost effectiveness of community based clinics with that of hospital outpatient care .
12 Because a detailed record of economic activity statuses was collected by the After Redundancy study , it was possible to compare the proportion of time spent by each person since being made redundant in different forms of employment status .
13 It is then possible to compare the post reform situation with the actual situation in terms of the distribution of living standards across households , average living standards , and incentives to work .
14 This also means that it is not possible to compare the dissociation from isolated GC sites with that from clusters of such sites which may be stabilised by cooperative interaction .
15 Rather , if such industrial policy is to be attempted , it seems preferable to diagnose the cause of the market failure and provide a generalized incentive which market decision-makers then take into account when undertaking their professional analysis .
16 It may be possible to target the liver by interaction with ( for instance ) transferrin receptors , which are abundant in this organ .
17 But then , as we shall see , it may become possible to rationalize the kind of collusive behaviour which is simply not contemplated in the standard models .
18 I wanted as far as possible to forearm the boy at the beginning of adolescence — not ramming a weapon into his hand willy-nilly , but showing him the size and shape of it and where it lies in such a way that he would take it up without realizing he was doing so and find himself using it when he needed to .
19 This is presumably because it is seldom possible to heal the breach that is usually created by fighting a legal battle .
20 The families of the two tourists were too upset to attend the service .
21 I believe that you have to be tall to wear the kind of outfits that I do .
22 The role of the doctor is to give as accurate and helpful information as is possible to enable the patient to come to a decision .
23 Meanwhile the 250 workers who remain at Thame can do little to affect the outcome .
24 Benefits were kept sufficiently low to preserve the incentive to work and save , but those least able to work or save — the lowest paid , the irregularly employed and women — gained least of all .
25 Taking into account the various stages of the product life-cycle and the period of time concerned , it is possible to plan the product mix , plan the development and introduction of new products , plan the withdrawal of obsolete or unprofitable products , and set the revenue targets for each product within the total range .
26 He had put him in the Cabinet because , with Bonar Law gone , he needed a man from the Law stable to preserve the balance .
27 After a long day of wiping her son 's eyes , arse and office floors , mummy was often too exhausted to continue the struggle .
28 Yet , the benefit inherent in a holder 's right to sue the carrier may well be worth the burden of having to pay unpaid freight .
29 If it is in a smooth plastic pot , and there is insufficient root coming through to prevent movement ( i.e. the plant is pot bound ) , it should be possible to slide the pot away just enough to see if the root ball is held intact by root action .
30 She was too upset to continue the call and I regretted my decision .
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