Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] in the " in BNC.

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1 The Local Government Act 1972 specifically states that the only business which can be transacted is that appearing in the summons convening the meeting .
2 But there is no hope of that occurring in the foreseeable future .
3 It carries more textual meaning than an adverbial occurring in the same position .
4 Of course , making an unauthorized copy of an Esperanto– English dictionary would infringe copyright , if only that subsisting in the typographical arrangement .
5 Oh yes , I could do that , thought Grainne , sleepless and still half drowning in the warmth and the sweetness .
6 Mr McGill repairs a window to make it safe , paints the air raid shelter door , does some concreting in the garden .
7 There seems little likelihood of this occurring in the case of executive directors , at least unless the risk of liability were to increase massively , but a reduction in the supply of more modestly remunerated non-executives is not implausible .
8 Action has been taken to prevent this occurring in the future .
9 After some searching in the entrails of the massive wall , they located an insulated , though hot , hatch — and undogged it .
10 ‘ I 'll come and do some measuring in the morning if that suits , ’ she said .
11 It is this sharing in the suffering of God that is so convincingly and magnificently expressed in Margaret Spufford 's recent book , Celebration .
12 But even if a choreographer breaks such regularity when setting a classical ballet he usually balances the pattern made on the floor in one enchaînement by another moving in the opposite direction .
13 If you and I were working for an organization which gave say half a million to charity , our , I mean correct me if I 'm wrong , but I , I 'm sure our temptation would be to say how can we promote this giving in the media in order , let's be honest about it , to make our , us look good , partly that would be it .
14 2 Coping in the difficult situation
15 The promised money fails to appear because , says the broker , of some failing in the would-be borrower .
16 The conversation , the ‘ dinner of two complete courses , variety of wines and the regimental band of musick playing in the square ’ all enchanted Boswell , and according to him , Johnson too , whom he reports as saying , ‘ I shall always remember this fort with gratitude . ’
17 ‘ You 're like some beautiful sea nymph … ’ he whispered softly in her ear , his hands protectively holding her slim body as , half standing and half floating in the water , she wound her arms about his neck .
18 As a result , I did n't do much spontaneous playing in the actual studio . ’
19 I 'd opened all the windows in the flat , drenching the atmosphere in car fumes and the uproar of the unemployed arguing in the street .
20 Reports at the turn of the year 1942–3 referring in the usual glowing terms of undiminished confidence of the people in ‘ its beloved Führer ’ and claiming that ‘ the person of the Führer was as always put beyond criticism ’ had been speaking in the conventional exaggerations of the regime 's apparatchiks .
22 There are still blemishes , subtly dished characters show quite visible stepping in the vertical plane but the overall results look excellent .
23 Alix , who had no idea of what the gossip was to be about , but who could sense its ominous crackling in the distance , wanted to go home , but tiresomely Brian , the party-hater , had managed to find his old friend Otto Werner and was deep in conversation about English social class , European intellectuals , the German education system , public schools , and the appointing of JPs and magistrates , a rich vein which they might have been able to explore for another hour at least , had Alix not been at their elbow , murmuring of departure .
24 There was much cheering in the conservationist camp .
25 Er standard one was er no trouble , except er er pretty timid , remember being timid , the boys could be very rough in play and there was much nudging in the playground as they ran about at their various games .
26 The textbase STATLT holding the statutes for England has been developed and refined in a series of projects since 1980 and at the start of the project described here already provided a very detailed definition of the data structure [ 1 ] , full text-searching facilities , symbolic addressing in the manner of Figure 2 and a multi-valued attribute marg-note-xref in each text unit to record cross-references made to other parts of the text [ 23 ] .
27 You see , it was n't their joy , it was n't just because they were exuberant , they had already i di , expressed this joy back in verse eight , at the preaching of the gospel , there was much rejoicing in the city !
28 . We believe that for a structure plan to go forward now in the present state of policy guidance , bearing in mind that 's on the basis of P P G twelve and with P P G thirteen lying in the wings .
29 This strength , however , is linked to a crucial failing in the eyes of many sociologists .
30 She 's talked about going to Yorkshire , but , not at the moment , there 's nothing much doing in the market , er .
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