Example sentences of "[adj] [v-ing] [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The vendor and its directors will constitute separate persons each accepting restrictions for the purposes of RTPA 1976 .
2 Gide had tried to persuade his mother , as he had persuaded himself , that bringing Athman to Paris was a ‘ moral rescue ’ , a question of the salvation of a boy through adoption .
3 He makes that sucking noise with his teeth again .
4 He makes that sucking noise through his teeth .
5 I am aware , however , that surveying techniques of the last 150 years have been to standards of accuracy of centimetres over the same sort of distance and landscape .
6 For example , consider a portfolio composed of the shares making up the FT 30 using data from the r m S of October-December 1986 ( see Table 5.1 ) .
7 Messrs Lee and Lee welcome the prospect of Mr Patten 's appointment : the Democrat on the grounds that ‘ he is not just another appeasing sinologist from the Foreign Office ; the conservative because ‘ he carries more weight than the others mentioned , and he has direct access to No 10 ’ .
8 There are various tests for colour perception , some using plates of solid colour , but the most usual one is the Ishihara Test which presents a symbol or number depicted in coloured dots against a background of dots of another colour .
9 Attempts to provide land use data for other countries are bedevilled by even worse problems of definition and classification than those already outlined , but Best ( 1979 ) has tried to harmonize European national statistics to produce the figures shown in Table 8.2 , and in the USA although Jackson ( 1980 , 6 ) has argued that : ‘ it is almost impossible to provide adequate statistics on land use … because of differing definitions ’ , he has nonetheless provided the estimates shown in Table 8.2 using Department of Agriculture statistics .
10 Tootal 's 50 per cent stake in Da Gama , the South African textile business , is being sold off in five tranches , the second of which came through in this half bringing £3.3m of profits with it .
11 ‘ If the pelargoniums were overwintered in their old containers then it is best to remove them , shake off much of the old potting compost from the roots and repot in fresh compost — moderately heavy , with good drainage but not more than one-quarter peat or other organic matter .
12 Soak drills beforehand and cover the seeds with moist peat or old potting compost in dry weather .
13 This exploding complexity of larger and larger units must impose some limitations on the capabilities of management , ie the span of control is limited by the number of inter-relationships that one person can manage .
14 In almost all cases an obstructive landlord will be able to find some subsisting breach of covenant on the tenant 's part and thereby defeat the option .
15 We 'll even give you free glazing insurance for the first 12 months .
16 Thank you for your memo of 23 July 1993 detailing findings of the above survey .
17 I have just bought my first lightweight and have noticed some funny groaning noises from the floor area .
18 I tell you what though , if you , like , I , I never forget when we went to Austria and you went into like a delicatessen place and this place was about a quarter of a mile long , right , never seen so many different looking place with sausages
19 Well it 's a funny looking dog with horns on .
20 Oh yeah a funny looking dog with horns on like that and others and everything standing in the middle of the field you call those funny sort of dogs , cows .
21 And er frankly , you would nah want to go to a male , a male only Burns supper , they , they they 're a most un seemly looking crew by the time they 've finished their dinner !
22 A new Constitution was adopted on Oct. 12 defining Montenegro as part of the Federal Republic of Yugoslavia .
23 These addressing modes are a superset of the PDP-11 addressing modes with one exception , the PDP-11 addressing mode auto-decrement deferred was omitted from VAX as it was rarely used .
24 Just before Marsworth a four mile circular walk leaves the canal at Watery Lane , follows a short section of the Grand Union Canal proper going north before returning across the fields to the car park at Startop 's End Reservoir .
25 And he manages to present what could be very dry stuff with the flair of a good detective writer , setting up expectations whose fulfilment contains an element of surprise , while saving up a few clinching strokes for the end .
26 Yes and there are different going rates for different things as there are with property , are n't there ?
27 The ninety-one resident freeholders in Craven — about one man in twenty — were , as everywhere else , measurably better off than other people , almost half owning goods worth at least £2 , and only sixteen having less than £1 's worth .
28 FNTT members , restrained by their leaders throughout 1932 despite the slowness of reform and the flagrant defiance by many landowners and rural employers of Largo Caballero 's pro-labour measures , were by mid-1933 exhibiting signs of acute frustration and increasing militancy : attitudes shared , of course , by their anarchist counterparts in the CNT .
29 The significance of some confirming instances of a theory according to the inductivist position described in Chapter 1 is determined solely by the logical relationship between the observation statements that are confirmed and the theory that they support .
30 I have often expressed my view that object-relations exist from the beginning of life , the first object being the mother 's breast which to the child becomes split into a good ( gratifying ) and bad ( frustrating ) breast ; this splitting results in the severance of love and hate .
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