Example sentences of "[adj] [subord] [vb pp] [art] " in BNC.

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1 There was far more in this than met the eye .
2 LOTHIAN Region 's council tax will be lower than expected a a result of savings made from a year of spending restraints , it emerged yesterday .
3 One is simply that you do n't need to have made a record or done anything very much except earned a local reputation as a watchable band playing original material .
4 The army turned back in drenched and miserable retreat towards Welshpool , without having so much as sighted a Welsh force of any kind .
5 oh our Linda was the one , you 'd get her settled down and you know what it , if you as much as turned the light switch off
6 No one so much as raised an eyebrow in their direction .
7 In the end Harper had sworn a sacred oath on the Holy Mother and on all the bleeding wounds of Christ that he would not go into battle , that he would remember he was a husband and a father , and that if he so much as heard a musket shot he would turn tail and run away .
8 And now , even if you 've never so much as threaded a needle before , you can create beautiful items with the help of the new generation of computerised sewing machines from New Home .
9 Nobody had so much as breathed the word ‘ Wages ’ .
10 It says a great deal for this extraordinary organisation that it can inspire such dedication in children who , prior to joining the Horse Rangers , would never have even so much as patted a horse .
11 In Ernest and Elizabeth 's awful old kitchen , which had last had a re-fit in 1926 and in which Cecilia herself would not have so much as peeled a potato , though nothing would have made her say so , Tina was baking a birthday cake for Bienvida .
12 Whereas Gaston had managed to buy a small boat to go fishing , Marius had not so much as managed the purchase of two matching garden chairs .
13 I laughed when my mother told me of the entire postnatal fortnight spent in the maternity hospital , with bedpans and blanket baths and fierce ward sisters who wagged fingers at you if you as much as stuck a big toe over the side of the bed .
14 Nevertheless , even allowing for these exceptions , the traditional division into figurative and non-figurative regions is largely valid , and you should be extremely suspicious if offered an Afghan or Bokhara rug that contains human or animal forms .
15 That 's 45 per cent more than in 1990 , but virtually half as many as visited the Paris show .
16 The Captain had as good as said the same himself about the traces of lamb 's meat in the truck .
17 ‘ Oh , it 's all right , she did n't even hesitate , she as good as popped the question herself . ’
18 For a while , there , he 'd as good as haunted the place in the late afternoons … but then the van had broken down and getting into town had n't been so easy , and besides the restaurant had become so damned busy that he 'd become just another face in an ever-changing crowd .
19 They may find this rather more awkward though given the abrasive edge which Kilkenny possess .
20 The office of collector of supply was one which held its value over time , for the salary appears to have increased at a rate which more than compensated the holder for the ravages of inflation .
21 These takings of a mere £250 more than covered the expenses but , more importantly , gave Billy Butlin the reputation of one of the country 's leading showmen .
22 For the rest , the euphoria that they experienced more than matched the unpleasantness .
23 In both schools , the investment in furniture , fittings , and decoration , and no less importantly in teacher-librarians , was substantial , and as the head of School A argued , may well have more than matched the project grant .
24 The most daunting problem facing Louis Gerstner is that as yet he has absolutely no idea just how much he does n't know — and he will be Superman if in six months he has more than scratched the surface on that problem .
25 This viewpoint seems to have prevented him from doing more than cast a supercilious eye over the book .
26 Clearly the same did not occur in the UK ; the increased propensity to offend more than counterbalanced the decline in the high-offender groups in the population ( Liddelow 1990 ) .
27 In 1845 the " Railway Mania " began , when the plans for new lines submitted to Parliament would , if passed and carried out , have more than trebled the country 's railway mileage .
28 Police have more than trebled the reward on offer for the capture of a serial rapist .
29 Tony 's Cornish landscapes , in frames of plain gilt , looked well ; their rich browns , yellows and orange tones warmed the room and more than balanced the white walls .
30 This example shows that tailing has more than prevented the loss of £22 424 from meeting variation margin payments .
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