Example sentences of "[adj] [det] than [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A further important aspect of the assessment process was the significance of ASW consultation with male family members , associated with section 2 more than section 3 and to a greater degree with GP than other referrals with non admission .
2 But what it shows is how , right from the earliest days , we were always much more than assembly line workers in Malcolm McLaren 's dream factory .
3 Religious masterpieces such as the Messiah continue to exercise a fascination which is much more than enjoyment of good tunes .
4 Fortunately , much more than rote learning of ‘ trays , trolleys and treatments ’ is now expected , and a preoccupation with rigid routines is a thing of the past .
5 By anybody 's calculations that is much more than inflation and allows a tremendous amount of growth — and growth there has been .
6 Those gold mines had stolen much more than gold from Africa .
7 Likewise on glaciers , tight ropes should prevent anybody from ever dropping much more than waist deep into a hidden crevasse — a position from which the victim can usually be dragged out .
8 However , there are very few people who know how to survey and excavate underwater , and because it tends to cost so much more than land archaeology it needs to be a very worthwhile site or we have to leave it alone ’ .
9 But rural England today consists of much more than agriculture and English rural society is no longer entirely , nor even predominantly , an agrarian society .
10 Design is much more than problem solving .
11 The alternatives — studying people , tissue culture , computer modelling etc. — are actually used much more than animal studies .
12 Government and the HSE are well aware that the promotion and enforcement of safety demands much more than reliance on individuals and management .
13 Mrs Thatcher sees the government 's role as one of pump-priming , but much more than pump-priming is required to create the conditions that would encourage private investment in the inner cities .
14 Global competition is much more than rivalry among firms , for it involves the ‘ structural competitiveness ’ of states within the world system .
15 Capital provision to support these two areas is scarce and the 1990s are going to test even the most supportive administrations to meet urgent demands for library extensions and preservation/substitution programmes , neither of which has been an established part of institutional budget planning , nor likely to receive much more than sympathy from the funding councils , except perhaps in cases where enormous growth in student numbers have caused such pressures on space .
16 So much passion ought to stem from something much more than lust , especially when the man it held in its toils was one of Luke 's calibre .
17 Listening is much more than hearing ; it is an active process whereby the listener attends exclusively to the speaker , not only to the words that he is speaking .
18 This is much more than sociologist 's simplification ; it seems to be deeply rooted in the mind of the ordinary British citizen . "
19 Inns provided much more than accommodation , for they were the venues for feasts and banquets , cultural and social activities , business ventures and political affairs .
20 Dr ‘ Richards ’ There 's much more than medicine in it … we 're not general practitioners , we 're family doctors , which means you 're a family friend .
21 Before that happens Britain will be in no position to do much more than talk about the implications of new technology .
22 The oceans provide us with much more than pleasure for the diver and beautiful photographs for the photographer ; they also give us invaluable knowledge .
23 Wherever possible try to bring in physical and visual elements , so that the meeting is about much more than group discussion .
24 While the papacy of Pope Paul had remained uncomfortably unidentified with either ‘ progressive ’ or ‘ conservative ’ , that of John Paul became increasingly closely tied to the latter , and at times in a state of not much less than guerrilla war with the ‘ magisterium ’ of the Church 's principal theologians : a truly strange position for a pope to be in .
25 When the space–time curvature is small , a linear approximation can be made to the metric where is the Minkowski metric and all the components are very much less than unity .
26 And a leading energy analyst , Walter Patterson , has calculated that IGCC plants cost more to build than natural-gas stations but much less than coal stations .
27 That 'd suit me seeing that 's black more than navy blue .
28 It is estimated that there are 6.5 to 8.5 million pavement accidents per annum , many more than road accidents .
29 In fact , the consolidated balance sheet is published for little more than completeness : it gives the net debit balances and net credit balances for the organization to be carried forward to the new financial year .
30 While the primary ethnographic accounts of life and character in such peaceful societies usually present multi-dimensional pictures of complex human beings , these pictures tend to become more and more one-dimensional as the material is employed in secondary and tertiary works , where the original complexity is often reduced to little more than caricature .
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