Example sentences of "[adj] [vb base] what the " in BNC.

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1 Burke and Chinkin in [ 1989 ] ICLR 401 ask what the effect would be if the parties required their expert to observe the rules of natural justice .
2 These specify what the candidate must be able to do to be accredited .
3 It is , however , not at all clear what the precise constraints on variable subject relative pronouns in these two vernacular systems might be .
4 Indeed , in many such cases , it is not at all clear what the parameters of the population , of which the sample is a subset , actually are .
5 Well , we all know what the something more is , do n't we ? ’
6 It has particular interest in that we all know what the word means and yet none of us know what curiosity actually is .
7 right , now what do you like about driving , I mean er the , you , know , you all know what the car is , what , what , what 's , what appeals , is it just something you have to do , is it a necessity or is it actually because you enjoy it ?
8 ‘ … and we all know what the weary warrior wants after battle … ’
9 Tonight should be pretty lively , political rally , we all know what the subject 's gon na be about .
10 We all know what the Labour party will do to the higher rate , but even it does not seem to know what it will do to the tax on middle managers — national insurance contributions .
11 Now we all know what the District Council view is .
12 And , having watched the recent coal fiasco , we all know what the next step is once an unwanted raw material has been identified ; you stop its production .
13 4 Decide what the dangers may be , and work out how to escape them .
14 It was put in there to make us all wonder what the hell he was talking about .
15 The action will affect 107 schools but it is not clear how many have what the union regards as oversized classes .
16 Another idea is to garner from the experience of those present what the obstructions are , how they can be side-stepped , and produce a guide to best practice aimed at employers .
17 First ascertain what the learner already knows and teach from that point .
18 However , the approach in both methods is the same : first find what the group should do to maximise profits , then set a transfer price that encourages each divisional manager to decide to operate at that level .
19 It took place quite a long time ago , it is known as the cessation of the plebs there were two occasions on which the workers of of Ancient Rome and withdrew from the city and their t the terms on which as as far as I recollect the terms of their return where that somebody should write down the law in comprehensible terms and that there should be a special officer , a tribune appointed who could if necessary explain what the law was to them .
20 Having represented the giving for a number of years on a graph , next ask what the figures have to tell you about the relevance and quality of your programme .
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