Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] [vb pp] a " in BNC.

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1 The most reasonable assumption was that the French had pushed a cavalry raid across the frontier .
2 This had caused a ripple of protest .
3 This had necessitated a large number of meetings , particularly for the Socialisation of Industries Committee and the Social Services Committee : ministers had tended to bring too many items to committee ; senior ministers had wanted to keep an eye on their more junior colleagues , and as a result a heavy burden fell on a handful .
4 This had necessitated a rerouting of most rail traffic from France or the Netherlands into Germany .
5 Suddenly , this had become a special event and Lewis knew it , for his playing took on a new intensity as he began to alternate between rock ‘ n ’ roll classics from his early career back in the Fifties Sun era to later country material .
6 This had become a common occurrence .
7 This had become a source of irritation to her companions and only added to their resentment .
8 This had become a wilderness of weeds and bushes but hidden deep inside was a derelict conservatory demanding to be restored .
9 There was growing public concern at the high toll of deaths and injuries among servicemen in peacetime , and this had become a significant factor in the worsening problem of draft-dodging .
10 We had instilled in all of us a very strong sense of timing , which had to be to the second , and this had become a habit .
11 This had become a degenerative condition due to a fall early in his career .
12 Indeed , given the high claims monarchs made for themselves , and the excesses of adoration with which they were treated — and by the time of Mary Queen of Scots , this had reached a very high level indeed — we may wonder that so many of them retained any sense of balance at all .
13 For example , Lord Crowther-Hunt considers that the Queen would be perfectly " justified " in withholding her consent from a bill which sought to abolish the House of Lords even if the government proposing this had secured a mandate through the manifesto set before the people at a general election .
14 This had given a couple of extra feet of clearance , but it had also left the steel ends of the support joists exposed .
15 Over the centuries officers had had to nurse their wooden ships for structural reasons and this had provided a certain measure of protection against excessive sail-carrying .
16 Once this had yielded a conclusion , there was no room for further debate .
17 We went along the river bank : two smugglers were being hanged near Billingsgate and this had attracted a large crowd to watch their last dance .
18 As though all this had happened a long time ago .
19 If this had happened a few years earlier — ’
20 This had left a problem in raising public awareness about the shortage because people saw a lot of nurses ( mainly trainees ) around the RVH ; but they are not all qualified to carry out the work .
21 Joseph had accompanied her willingly , but she had soon noticed that his manner was subdued and cool towards her , and this had added a vague new dimension to her unease .
22 To everyone 's astonishment , this had opened a whole well spring of bitterness against his regiment and precipitated a cycle of protests , killings , mournings , more protests , more killings , throughout the spring and summer .
23 In the words of Zohreh Tabatabai , Chief of Public Services of the United Nations in New York ; ‘ If this had come a year ago , we would have said ‘ no way ’ .
24 Their prospects were hopeless because the British had developed a command of the sea that was much more effective than anything seen in earlier wars .
25 The British had launched a powerful attack , and first Mersa Matruh ( which Mussolini had planned to enter in triumph ) fell , then Bardia and Tobruk .
26 After being educated in private schools he was apprenticed to a mechanical engineer , and before the age of twenty-one had attained a position of responsibility in the works .
27 The account he had written of his experiences at Waimea on 18 January 1985 had won a prize .
28 In one day 's march thirty-eight mills had had their plugs drawn in Dewsbury , the masters standing amazed in their empty sheds while the workers streamed out to join what to some had become a Crusade , to others a Pilgrimage ; an opportunity for revenge ; an exciting chance for a holiday .
29 Some had travelled a considerable distance for example from Australia , Germany , Belgium and the USA and were not disappointed by either the welcome or the expertise offered them .
30 The general relaxed and participative style of the course was enjoyed by the participants , as some had expected a ‘ chalk and talk ’ approach .
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