Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 That ruled out using the traditional aluminium-based tubes in favour of all-plastic laminated tubes that retain their shape regardless of how often they are squeezed .
2 Blimey that got up did n't it ?
3 Well I wonder however that that got through to touch that .
4 If the Primera does as well as the old Bluebird — 325,000 sold here helping to top 1.8m Nissans sold here in 22 years — they wo n't complain .
5 Each tried desperately to grip the other , but it was impossible , and they were forced to lay perfectly still with their genitals interlocked until she was conscious of his emission shooting inside her oil-drenched love passage .
6 What is anatomical basis of this orientation selectivity ? ( personal communication ) suggests an answer which is reminiscent of that proposed by to account for the ability of octopuses to recognize spatial patterns .
7 That bore nearly killed me recently , and that was in the estuary at Purton .
8 That helped nearly halve losses to £79 million in the last six months
9 That let off seemed to breathe relief back into the home side , and not for the first time this season the imposing physical presence of youngster Ferguson proved crucial with a deft header which set up Cleland for a fine angled finish from 15 yards for the leveller .
10 This became increasingly focused on the anti-Liberal , anti-Prussian and anti-semitic elements in the Die-hard tradition , which was elaborated in a simplistic conspiracy theory .
11 Three or four dropped into the darkness and choc ice wrappers , dead ; a few fluttered aimlessly to rest around us ; some took off into the vast space above .
12 The euphoria of that summer gripped radicals of various persuasions : some sought merely to serve the peasantry , with no clear political goal ; some hoped to lay the foundations for a conscious peasant socialist movement ; others shared the hope of the veteran anarchist , M. A. Bakunin ( 1814–76 ) , that it would be possible to ignite immediate peasant rebellion .
13 As far as methodology in East German art history is concerned , take for example their concept ‘ Kunstverhältnisse ’ , which is what we refer to as ‘ the sociology of art ’ : I do not feel that even this made much progress it never really became an established discipline .
14 Interlocking would have prevented the signalman putting the signals for the express at ‘ CLEAR ’ yet it is strange that although both footplatemen on the express admitted not having seen the home signal on the approach to Charfield both men were equally emphatic that they had seen the proceeding distant signal and they said it was showing a green light and in the clear position .
15 For whatever reason , the French failed either to withdraw their forces from what were intended as border strongholds or to reinforce them sufficiently to be able to withstand attacks from Vietminh forces which could now be launched at divisional strength trained and commensurately equipped by the Chinese communist armies which had reached the frontier the year before .
16 Moreover it is true that in one or two specific minor ways the express tried positively to limit serfdom — by ordering in 1781 that war prisoners were in future to become free men if they were converted to Orthodoxy ; and by reducing the possibilities which had hitherto existed of enserfment by marriage .
17 García went underground and issued calls for national resistance , but this found little echo on the streets , and subsequent opinion polls suggested that Fujimori retained the overwhelming confidence of the public .
18 Some tried already to sleep .
19 It was her single-mindedness in keeping the show perfect that resulted in some very blunt speaking which some found hard to take .
20 A few tried vainly to coalesce into a hardier entity .
21 This involved either burning the skin over the tendon , or inserting red hot iron pins into the tendon itself .
22 This involved mainly work on UN documents relating to UN peace-keeping activities ; debates in the General Assembly and the Security Council ; meetings and reports of the Human Rights Commission and the Sub-Commission on the Prevention of Discrimination and the protection of minorities ; and the work of specialised agencies such as UNESCO and the UNDP .
23 This involved sacrificially giving not just of 100 of the congregation , but of 100 leaders with their financial commitment .
24 This helped enormously to develop in the public mind the idea that ‘ Laura Ashley ’ was a place where idealized longings for rural relics could be indulged , where clothes with bustles , tiers , smock aprons , frills and puffed sleeves could be found .
25 ‘ It makes you look like a sheep , ’ she observed coldly , but even this seemed not to offend him .
26 Russ Ward in a borrowed car struggled … but the chance to see vintage cars like this seemed enough to make everybody 's day .
27 As the King s head was struck from his body there was a great groan from the crowd , who were dispersed by the cavalry ; some came back to dip their handkerchiefs in the King 's blood .
28 This caused much grumbling and many heads were knocked together just to remind everybody who was boss .
29 This caused much grumbling and complaining , as the masons considered they were anyway fighting a losing battle against the castle 's accelerating decay without its guests adding to their workload .
30 In the same period only 13,700 came here to live .
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