Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 all that material and stuff did they bought that or send for it or
2 oh , what you going to try some of this or wait for your whisky and lemon ?
3 flowering tops fresh or dried for colds , catarrh , bronchitis ; as a soothing drink for sleeplessness , stress and irritability
4 Some of their unwitting victims have been left paralysed or disfigured for life and yet this barbaric practice is acceptable within the law .
5 LANEY AOR 50 head plus 4x12 , never gigged , excellent condition , swap for Marshall Valvestate 80/80 or sell for £330 ono .
6 I 'm sure once people realise what smashing dogs they are , lots more Greyhounds would be assured a happy retirement — instead of being abandoned , exported or used for experimentation .
7 Wool-sucking seems to be most common among young cats that have been orphaned or have for some other reason been deprived of the maternal nipple too soon .
8 This applies particularly to stones designed for young people but because they are still growing and changing themselves , the moral and psychological lessons must not be rigid or overstrained for these young readers .
9 These objectives have to be worked for ; success is neither universal nor taken for granted .
10 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
11 Turn left on this and follow for 1/2 mile to junction with main drive of Witley Court .
12 She expressed her wonder at this and asked for the name in Italian .
13 Please can you look into this and arrange for it to be repaired .
14 Please could you look into this and arrange for its removal .
15 Please can you look into this and arrange for the job to be finished as soon as possible .
16 Ooh I 'll carry on watching this and go for a bloody shower !
17 Whilst it is accepted that the department has done exceptionally well in getting every member of the school who does Art to provide themselves with pencils , rubbers and sketch pads , it is felt that the time is now right for the department to expand this and push for pupils to provide paints for themselves .
18 Using exactly the same technique , I encouraged her to imagine doing just this and to practise for a further fortnight , after which she was in fact able to go to the local park and sit on a bench watching the children at play .
19 Furthermore , the objective threat posed by the Soviet Union and its own nuclear weapons means that the United States has to have a permanent war economy and that the people recognise this and vote for it .
20 That 's all it comes by is human learning , and you 're neglecting that , you say , that is you are n't developing a learning society and you 're going to pay for this and pay for this and pay for this , you see , and your children will pay for it , your grandchildren will pay for it , you see , just what you 're doing to the educational system , what you 're doing to the universities and you 're so far behind from what erm most other modern countries are .
21 It was not intended to give this impression , and we take this opportunity to make that clear and to apologize for any embarrassment caused .
22 Deep acting medicines ( Lycopodium , Calc Carb etc. ) can be used several times daily and repeated for months at a time if necessary .
23 Each one is a potential hypnotic and competes for the attention .
24 4 You can learn more about the vauDe range by ringing 0434 320744 and asking for a catalogue .
25 When she arrived in Paris in May 1914 , she was in a dangerous frame of mind , footloose , resentful and spoiling for adventure .
26 ‘ The speed with which some of the incidents flared up suggests , in fact , that the kids were not sitting indoors , but that they were already out there on the streets — often bored , resentful and waiting for trouble ’ ( ibid.:46 ) .
27 From Table 4.1 it can be seen that almost one-third of IT postgraduates would be unemployed and looking for work at the end of their course .
28 The trouble was that they voted against the large numbers of unemployed and voted for Fascist and Nazi Governments .
29 All the fittings must be waterproof and made for outdoors , and the supply should be connected by a qualified electrician .
30 Potential defectors are asked to call Manhattan ( 212 ) 553-2700 and ask for the counterintelligence section at extension 3037 . ’
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