Example sentences of "[adj] [coord] [verb] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Depending on the personality of the child , he or she can either become destructive or switch off completely .
2 Times sets of and lots of , that 's the sam it 's like counting in threes or counting in let's add another three , add another three add another three .
3 The caravan is ideally designed as er an exhibition with steps in er either right or left in to see whatever 's on show and then out on the opposite side .
4 It is a kind of mystery tour , with an unimaginable destination ; not surprisingly many pupils fall asleep or jump off during the journey .
5 The vocabulary we have painstakingly acquired is steadily being eroded or expanded or taking on new and important meanings .
6 I can assure you that there is nothing sub-standard or left out of a home built machine .
7 The birds hatched in an incubator can then be hand-reared or given back to their parents , who will rear any number of chicks as long as they have enough food .
8 Sometimes such material is simply tipped-in or stuck down on a blank ; the professional may prefer to inlay it on paper to match the size of the volume , which will often be fairly large .
9 She 'd probably have slapped another man 's face for that , she realised wearily — either that or lobbed back a playfully witty rejoinder .
10 Either that or go down there to this guy with black hair and a big beard and stop him womanising , gambling and drinking .
11 I think I 'm exhausted or hung over .
12 To find out more about how Regional Railways have changed their ways , telephone Darlington ( 0325 ) 355111 or York ( 0904 ) 642155 or pick up a folder and timetable from your nearest staffed station .
13 Reading stories on USL such as the one BusinessWeek just ran , they estimate USL has its mind more on going public or selling out than might be realised .
14 Grateful though he was — and there are few examples of anyone more grateful and generous than he was to those who had in any way helped him or even just been around in the bad times — he was not going to be craven or knuckle down like a goody-two-shoes .
15 On his left bicep was the grim reaper with battleaxe ; on his right wrist was the motto ‘ Live Free or Fuck Off ’ ; Where , I asked coversationally , did you get that done ?
16 Whenever powder became damp or ran out , whenever shot was lost in a river or was used up , fear stalked the camp .
17 Whether or not you will be asked to pay for your course remains at the discretion of course organisers and managers , therefore , and I am unable to give any hard and fast guidance here , other than to say that they will have to be kept at a reasonable level to be affordable , particularly by those who have been unemployed or bringing up a family .
18 Nabiyev completed a two-day visit to Iran on June 30 and went on to Pakistan , returning to Tajikistan on July 4 .
19 At the girls ' establishment where she had been sent at huge expense to learn music and French and to carry out the ornate disciplines conceived by the headmistress — including communal teeth-washing in the gardens , winter and summer , and then communal gargling into the rosebeds , which the headmistress regarded as a form of manure-spreading — the pain was put down to growing too fast .
20 McLeish decided he was not going to get much more out of this and went on to check , gently , what Francis Morgan had done with the weekend .
21 He said ‘ Okay , I want you to show me everything , ’ and I said ‘ Well , there are six strings , they 're tuned like this and written down an octave , ’ ( For those that do n't know , when guitar music is transposed onto a stave , it 's dropped a whole octave to keep it on the treble clef — Ed ) and he was taking notes and I gave him a beginning guitar book so that he could see how it was all written out !
22 just did n't notice this and ambled on ,
23 How will I ever get to sleep tonight if you keep on mussing up the bed like this and wandering about ?
24 I watched her do this and bring about the destruction of one of England 's greatest noblemen but that 's another story .
25 ‘ Obviously , as a Liverpool fan , you have to be worried but I 'm perfectly hopeful that we 'll get through this and come back as the force that we always have been . ’
26 I used to be able to do this and come out chuckling . ’
27 On Siporax , it is claimed , the bacteria have no need of this and get on with the important job .
28 I did n't hear that either , do n't expect to get dressed like this and get out in it ?
29 Pandarus , who had instructed Troilus — ‘ You must be witty ’ — seems to have infected the lovers with his fondness for dirty jokes ( in him , perhaps , a sign of impotence or disease ) , and seeing him again they are reminded of this and go up to verse for their protestations of love and fidelity ( 113ff . ) .
30 She 'd soon had enough of this and yelled out , ‘ I am She-Ra and I will break your balls ! ’
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