Example sentences of "[adj] [vb past] for [art] " in BNC.

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1 In recent times gilt has been widely used to create the effect of gold , but during the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries there was a fashion in Europe for silver thrones , like that made for the coronation of the Queen of Denmark in 1731 .
2 In a game similar to that devised for the radio show Desert Island Discs , we listed those who would get one bullet from a six-gun , and placed them in order of preference , much in the way the FBI listed the top wanted men in the USA .
3 The MTFS in 1980 planned for a reduction in public spending of 5 per cent over the next four years ; there was in fact an 8 per cent growth in real terms .
4 This structure differs from that found for the related H5 histone genes , where less than 150 bp of the proximal promoter region seems to be sufficient to ensure basal level transcription ( 19 ) .
5 The magnitude of the enteroglucagon response elicited by deoxycholate was similar to that reported for a test breakfast , measured using the same assay system .
6 Phosphorus accumulation reached a maximum during the deposition of unit VI ( Table 1a ) when the per capita output of 0.31–0.54kgyr -1 was similar to that reported for the Classic Maya .
7 Works on show include a ‘ Virgin and Child ’ by Badile ; a ‘ Road to Calvary ’ by the Bolognese Aureliano Milani ; an ‘ Apollo and Marsyas ’ of circa 1805 by Cammerino ; a ‘ Bacchus and Ariadne ’ by Pelagi , probably from an album of around 1802 made for the Accademia della Pace ; and a red chalk study of a hand by Lorenzo Tiepolo .
8 Indeed , this became for a time a veritable obsession , giving rise in some academic circles to the idea of a whole new field of study , to be called ‘ psephology ’ , and in the lower reaches of political communication to the massive television coverage of national elections , in which precise calculations of ‘ swings ’ from one party to another and predictions of the eventual outcome of the electoral contest tended to overshadow any serious discussion of the substance of political conflicts .
9 Another asked for the name of a good travel agent , while a third declared : ‘ I do not think I can bear another five years of Andrew Lloyd Webber ; I 'm off . ’
10 He found that the proportion of over-70s registered for a proxy/postal vote varied from 0.7 per cent to 25 per cent in different parts of the country ; this variation has little or nothing to do with geographical or demographic factors .
11 Some reached Switzerland and some made for the mountains , but the majority , around eighty , were recaptured by the Germans .
12 In combination with his ardent desire to improve the living standard of the British working man , this made for a potent brand of imperialism ; few politicians took the Dual Mandate more seriously than Ernest Bevin .
13 All this made for a disappointing start but I am happy to say that much else is on an altogether higher level .
14 This made for a kind of harmony and a kind of confidence .
15 This made for a softer , more innocent and ingenuous ‘ Dora ’ , but perhaps what was needed was a slightly sharper , more bristly Dora with a hidden vulnerability , which came more naturally when I gave her a North London accent …
16 When called to go to the gentiles , he was able to manage the change of understanding that this involved for the whole group .
17 This view of the structurally determined nature of thought and action , and the difficulty this posed for the representatives of the working class when using a formally neutral state to serve ends other than those of capitalism , was one of the major insights which underpinned Ralph Miliband 's seminal book of the 1960s , The State in Capitalist Society .
18 This occurred for a number of reasons : laparoscopy became a widely used diagnostic tool , with diagnosis no longer being restricted to patients with disease severe enough to warrant laparotomy , and gynaecologists became aware of the myriad visual appearances of endometriosis which represent evolution of the disease through visually distinct stages to the relatively inactive classic blue-black lesions .
19 This instigated for the first time the right of appellation in the form of the Appellation d'Origine Controlée ( AOC ) and regulations were imposed including a cunning proviso which dumped the entire issue of the Aube wines and the controversial ‘ Champagne Deuxième Zone ’ firmly in the lap of the judiciary .
20 This is in the range expected for similar-sized macromolecular complexes , but less than the 2,900 2 observed for the trp repressor-operator complex .
21 For its input resistance to equal the load resistance R L while the attenuation is Combining these last two equations shows that the values of R 1 and R 2 needed for the circuit to perform as required are
22 Yet it illustrates once more how throughout his reign , in spite of his personal adherence to so many of the attitudes and ideas of the Enlightenment , he was turning Prussia 's energies and attention to the East , with all that this implied for the future .
23 This worked for a while .
24 Aristide left for exile by air late on Sept. 30 bound for the Venezuelan capital of Caracas .
25 As faith in the League declined , some called for a new alliance system — and a new Government — to stand up to fascist aggression .
26 My main aim was for some relief to the back pain that I had had for many years but , having tried many other so-called ‘ back pain relief techniques ’ , without much success ( some worked for a short while , others not at all or even made the pain worse ) , I was not too optimistic .
27 The Treaty of Brètigny provided for this , and a treaty which the French appeared for the moment willing to accept was a much more substantial victory for Edward than one which gave him a vast area on paper but which the French would be bound to resist .
28 This continued for a long time during which he shuffled his feet uncomfortably , controlling his immediate impulse to shout at her to be quiet .
29 In 1724 Peter I ordered that all papers relating to foreign policy should be brought together in the college archive ; and work on this continued for the next two decades .
30 This accounted for the distrust felt for Great Britain in more autocratic states .
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