Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [to-vb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Sphagnum bogs and peat mires are missing ; occasionally the ground is wet enough to support moss mires , involving ahumic soils and an overgrowth of mosses Orthothecium chryseum , or Campylium and Bryum spp. forming protoranker mats on top .
32 Under the heated steel rings and leather , his shirt was wet enough to wring water out of , and his skin shivered with cold .
33 It was lively enough to marry Bellow to a ‘ stylish Radcliffe graduate ’ of whom Roth had been ‘ enamoured ’ — if we are to assume that The Facts has not imagined the connection .
34 The second alternative poses a serious problem , however , insofar as it leads to the further question , how could such Marxism not be true — in the sense of how could History , in the objective processes on which a scientific Marxism places so much faith , be undialectical enough to produce Stalinism from the October Revolution ?
35 He was old enough to remember coffee that did not have a collection of bubbles on top .
36 Those old enough to remember paraffin lights will be pleased to see they are making a comeback .
37 She was able to conceal her restlessness , the pacing about , her dream of a different beginning to a new life , her impatience with the old shapes that she had used for too long ; she was not young and was old enough to foresee failure .
38 Mr Cocks also criticised judges for making uninformed pronouncements about whether child witnesses were old enough to give evidence .
39 I KNOW that my mother , who is 36 , should be old enough to take care of herself , but sometimes I feel I 'm older and wiser , at 16 , than she is .
40 Old enough to take care of himself , while she had been eight years old .
41 Their only joy came from Moira , who was just old enough to appreciate Christmas , and from the visits of Bridie 's children and Theresa 's two little ones .
42 He had wondered as he spoke whether Timmy was old enough to eat meat .
43 " In our new austerity , I am old enough to have money . "
44 you 're seventeen years old , if you 're old enough to have sex surely you 're old enough to you know , think about it in a mature way .
45 Everything here was different and therefore better : the stiff-backed brass taps , the cut of the banister , the genuine oil paintings ( we had a genuine oil painting too , but not as genuine as that ) , the library which somehow was more than just a roomful of books , the furniture old enough to have woodworm in it , and the casual acceptance of inherited things .
46 ‘ He 's old enough to have respect for one who cared for him during his teenage years .
47 She 's just old enough to have dignity . ’
48 Here , one transfer price ( usually representing cumulative variable costs ) is charged to the buying division , while another ( which will be high enough to allow profit ) is credited to the selling division .
49 There may be occasions when our guesstimate is high enough to give concern that the potential customer would be unable to pay .
50 But until very recently systems were generally aimed at the top end of the market , and the cost was high enough to make acquisition a major undertaking .
51 Administration officials said that to achieve that goal , the planes would fly at night and high enough to avoid danger of being shot down and would have no combat escorts .
52 This is high enough to permit observation if the diurnal variation .
53 Is Samson 's strength rating high enough to withstand injury ?
54 With grants available to all who could gain entry to university or polytechnic , initial teaching training courses came to be filled , in part , with young people whose ‘ A ’ level grades were not high enough to gain entrance on conventional university course .
55 Put crudely , state intervention in contemporary urban Britain ( and America ) is justifiable only to facilitate market led growth .
56 It will have a similar connotation when people discover what drops through their letter boxes if they are foolish enough to vote Conservative at the next general election .
57 But once she took over the directorship of the Institute for Chemical Research in Bucharest ( ICECHIM ) , she began to purge those scientists who had been foolish enough to cast doubt on her credentials or to refuse to ‘ co-operate ’ with her research .
58 ‘ It is n't foolish enough to attempt escape .
59 Should anyone be foolish enough to don space armour and climb through the airlock , nothing whatever would be strictly visible — save for what had already come from the ordinary universe .
60 A few moments of complete mental instability when you were unscrupulous enough to take advantage of me .
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