Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] [vb past] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In Engineering , the choice which Bill Larnach did make , that paradoxically meant Newcastle-upon-Tyne , a 30-mile round trip every day .
2 Their cheerfulness and delight at still being alive only made Charlie feel more guilty .
3 Listening to many of these discs , I found again and again it was the fervour of the style , whether ‘ speaking ’ of spiritual or physical passion , that so characterized Ferrier 's singing .
4 This is dumb stodge , an unsightly glob of yellowing lard studded with fag ends and bluebottle eggs , festering in the corner of some little frequented Midlands transport café .
5 Recently signed to Gift records , Newspeak are another vastly improved Yorkshire mob .
6 Some slowly became alcoholics .
7 Since Franco himself was head of government , this effectively made Carrero his Private Secretary .
8 This so angered Henry II that he ordered his other sons to curb Richard 's pride .
9 This so incensed William Courtenay , the Bishop of London , that he summoned John Wycliffe , whom Gaunt had used to stir up public opinion against Wykeham , to St Paul 's to answer for his erroneous teachings .
10 Knowing all this only heightened Zambia 's caution .
11 Now the spruce spar boom wanted to shrink and swell about twice as far as the plywood which was glued to it and this naturally gave rise to serious stresses near to where the two met along the glued joints ( Figure 3 ) .
12 The directive requiring this much took effect in 1980 , but Italy , after some sharp reminders , only altered its laws to conform last December .
13 Things really got going after lunch when those brave enough took part in one of the three fitness classes accompanied by some traditional charleston style music where some of the more experienced feet could be seen ‘ cutting a rug ’ .
14 It would have been a very unnecessary aggravation of his difficulties to have two different mutually excommunicated popes in lands which he intended to unite once more .
15 This soon gave rise to such names as Hank Ballard And The Midnighters , Georgie Gibbs , The Clovers , Ruth Brown , Joe Hill and , not least , Leonard 's idol of many years , Ray Charles .
16 This finally led John Hunter , the eminent surgeon , anatomist and classifier of monsters to produce a seminal paper ( An account of an extraordinary pheasant , Hunter , 1837 ) in which he proposed that differences between the sexes were of two kinds : those involving the sexual organs themselves , which were evident from birth and did not change during an individual 's lifetime ; and those that did not develop until the animal approached breeding age , such as differences in body size , plumage and in the tendency to be fat which he termed ‘ secondary ’ marks or characters of sex ( Hunter , 1837 , 1861 ) .
17 Shrewd military gentlemen were always aware of political realities , and upon entry some already had promotion in mind .
18 Majority more than over half just got passes .
19 This generally took place at Easter preceded by confession , often in public , in which the social duty of making restitution for sin was stressed ; it might be succeeded by a parish party which played out at its own level the eternal being of love celebrated in the Mass .
20 This usually entailed Branson being the first to let off fire-extinguishers , initiate a food fight , or dress up in fishnet stockings and make-up for the inevitable fancy-dress party .
21 King penguins were nesting on the hare ground a short walk from our landing beach , and while some still had eggs ( which are hatched on top of the feet under a fold of skin on the belly ) , others already had young , some of whom had developed brown down which made them look like teddy bears !
22 Some still wore knee breeches , but tightly-fitting pantaloons buttoned round the ankle over the white silk socks were permitted .
23 Some still threw buckets of snow into the small flames that lived .
24 In this More attacked Tyndale 's translation of the New Testament in detail , but did little to clear the clergy of charges of corruption .
25 As for the Danuese battalion , the Sons of Death , as they called themselves , a few still had revenge on their minds .
26 Many of us share some deeply felt worries about what will happen under the current procedures until the changeover takes place in 1993 .
27 This hardly diminished Baldwin 's sense of personal victory .
28 The fire still smoked , the damp still grew vegetable growths the colour of peaches on the wall between the grimy windows .
29 Timaeus , who about 280 B.C. followed Ephorus in prefacing his history with a geographical introduction , was perhaps better informed .
30 Some clearly shared David Stockman 's notoriously low estimate of Reagan 's intellect and were not convinced that he had an adequate understanding of the intricacies of economic policy-making .
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