Example sentences of "[adj] [noun prp] [verb] he " in BNC.

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1 And old Joe said he said I reckon it 's a be a whatsit .
2 ‘ I understand your feelings , Li Yuan , ’ Tsu Ma answered him , smiling at the old T'ang to show he was not offended by his son 's interruption .
3 Old Kath said he did did n't she ?
4 Former political prisoner Farouk Okullu told an Old Bailey judge he lashed out in desperation because his private parts were extremely sensitive following agonising torture he was subjected to in a Ugandan jail .
5 Last year 's crop of court cases at the Old Bailey reported in national newspapers included : a French master who had a store of pornographic photos of teenage pupils dating back ten years ; a religious education master who simulated sexual intercourse in front of his pupils ( the Old Bailey heard he had done this little party trick dozens of times at different schools ) ; a primary school teacher who was allowed to go on teaching after being found guilty of ‘ lewd , indecent and libidinous practices ’ against ten- and 11-year old boys ; and a music teacher in Sussex who had raped , attempted to rape and indecently assaulted hundreds of girls over many years .
6 The Old Bailey heard he then cut her up before taking parts of her body on the Underground system to be dumped outside a women 's refuge .
7 The Old Bailey heard he then cut her up before taking parts of her body on the Underground system to be dumped outside a women 's refuge .
8 The row flared at Prime Minister 's Question Time , with Mr Smith alleging that over £1.5m had been donated to the party by Nadir , whose counsel yesterday told Old Bailey judges he was ‘ most unlikely ’ to return to Britain to stand trial this September .
9 and i and when this Peter come he said well you know , just show him everything and like you did me and he said he did n't wan na know thank you .
10 Most of this Greg felt he could ignore : either he had read it , or could read it in more convenient circumstances .
11 Now , a relieved Ferguson believes he has found Jaws 2 .
12 Scattered among the hundreds of central London houses he manages are at least 100 empty properties .
13 A minute or two later Pat said he could n't keep height for lack of power and we would have to ditch .
14 What did Ken say , little Ken say he wanted to be ?
15 It 's a courageous appointment by Taylor because Neal has publicly savaged two of the three England bosses he played for .
16 It was quite obvious Mr thought he had something up his sleeve to embarrass the Labour party and Liberal Democrat parties of this , this council .
17 The tortoise is given an initial lead over Achilles , and the argument asserts that however fast Achilles runs he will never reach the tortoise .
18 Tsu Ma looked back at the body — the real body , not the lifelike GenSyn copy he had ‘ killed ’ — and understood .
19 Veteran Kirk says he owes his success to his wife
20 When in July 1962 Adenauer said he might not retire the following year , pressure rose in the CDU to find a replacement .
21 Although the river is only one to two feet deep G. says he would not walk across because the current is too strong and bottom too slippery .
22 After 27 years at BTR 's electrical wholesaling subsidiary Newey & Eyre , 46-year-old Alan knew he had a worthwhile asset in his preserved pension and he wanted to be sure he got the best value .
23 In 1918 Sanders thought he had a chance to become Chief Secretary for Ireland , but was soon reduced to considering himself as a possible Speaker ; in 1921 he was passed over for Chief Whip because it did not suit the coalition to have such a partisan in so sensitive a post .
24 For all Dougal knew he was sitting opposite the murderer .
25 With those SDS contacts he journeyed on to the West Coast , where the Vietnam Day Committee had started that May .
26 Nicholson had turned such a deep shade of purple Hugo thought he was about to suffer a stroke .
27 But it helps even more if we understand what his purpose is , which is in the next verse : ‘ Those God foreknew he also predestined to be conformed to the likeness of his Son , that he might be the firstborn among many brothers . ’
28 The rest were a maze of villages with names that sounded like the refrain for a pantomime song , villages whose lives were as far removed from those Manchester lives he had known for so long that it was as if they inhabited another planet .
29 At first Minton felt he was too involved with things to get away : ‘ As for Dimbulb Verrico , ’ he told Hunt , ‘ he has taken out a licence to marry his motorbicycle , and I have not seen him since you left …
30 At first Buchan thought he was joking , and had to telephone his manager to get confirmation that his club had agreed to the transfer .
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