Example sentences of "[adj] [adv] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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31 Is this just a way of expressing friendliness ?
32 ‘ Is this just a game for you ?
33 E two if it was carried forward sir after this morning 's discussion also does n't help us because , as the county made clear this morning and made very clear just a minute ago , it would use such a policy , it sees its position as being to block erm the er inward investment planning terms to block it as er erm being out of tune with the county 's general conservation and environmental policies .
34 And it does n't become any easier once a player obtains his Card .
35 Other diversions include a sauna and steam bath which is free once a week , but otherwise is payable locally .
36 As the mother of two small children , the youngest hardly a month old , her eventual decision to remain at Stowey was clearly sensible .
37 Students will need to discipline themselves to keep a record , in a loose leaf binder , on a very regular basis eg. weekly or at the longest once a fortnight .
38 ‘ So , Firmin , is this still a joke ? ’
39 The two bombs were attached to the hull of the Rainbow Warrior , berthed at Marsden Wharf , at around 8.30 p.m. and at about 9.30 p.m. a man wearing a red woollen hat was seen abandoning a Zodiac dinghy near the Outboard Boating Club in Hobson 's Bay and then climbing up the embankment to Tamaki Drive where he was picked up and driven off in a camper van .
40 It rec , received a report therefore , from the Central Council of the World Counc , Council of Churches which meets I think , once a year Noel can correct me on this once a year , or a at least once every two years .
41 This is only a guide , of course , but your score can be interpreted as follows : 9–15 Definitely a lark 16–20 Moderately a lark 21–26 Neither a lark nor an owl ; intermediate type 27–31 Moderately an owl 32–38 Definitely an owl
42 The June 1987 general election resulted in the return of Paias Wingti 's coalition government which had first come to office in November 1985 following a vote of no confidence in the government of Michael Somare .
43 There was a commitment to the maintenance of full employment , with the Keynesian doctrine that budgetary management could achieve this now a matter of economic orthodoxy .
44 Just seems so unrealistic though a kid would actually do that .
45 Joint communiqués were signed on the establishment of diplomatic relations ( i ) with China on Sept. 30 following a visit to Beijing by a Brunei delegation on Sept. 8-11 ; and ( ii ) with the Soviet Union on Oct. 1 in New York .
46 The clarifying question is : " Is this really a problem or am I just choosing to look at it as a problem ? "
47 Now of course it may be that the child has caught a worry about schooling from the parent , but I think that 's the first thing to sort out — is this really a problem in the child , or is it a problem in the parent 's mind ?
48 Now of course it may be that the child has caught a worry about schooling from the parent , but I think that 's the first thing to sort out — is this really a problem in the child , or is it a problem in the parent 's mind ?
49 I mean I walk around the town and I see a factory or a shop or a house , it only got to be empty about a week and all the windows are smashed .
50 The face will fill out , the limbs will unwind and the real Gemma will emerge , so that by the time she is six months old even a stranger will be able to tell her from Carla Marie .
51 An alternative approach is to measure share price changes ; prices at any given time reflect the market 's estimate of future performance and if it is assumed that this estimate is reliable then a comparison of ‘ before and after ’ figures should provide an accurate guide to the change in earning potential brought about by merger .
52 What do you feel you know the fact that that that quite a lot of erm well you were saying e you saying that quite a few quite a lot more coloured people live here
53 Exley , at 30 almost a veteran , but who had had an impressive run in this year 's championships , vowed : ‘ I 'll be back next year and if I meet Eric I 'll beat him . ’
54 Now , now you were saying before your father er was unemployed quite a lot of the time during your childhood erm did he actually get any Unemployment Benefit while he was on the dole ?
55 Hundreds of machines , some almost a century old were spruced up and dusted down yesterday for one of the biggest events in the biking calendar .
56 But you look at the diagram they 've given you which is not exactly the scale and they do this quite a bit .
57 Tod 's been doing this quite a bit lately — grunting : Shtib .
58 I have used this quite a lot for cardigans for an elderly lady , who was a bit of a traditionalist and would not have tuck stitch , in which the ‘ wrong ’ purl ) side is used as the right side .
59 Kids get used for this quite a lot , because it is n't as frightening for the lifers to be fetched by a kid .
60 I 've heard this quite a lot , it 's a , it 's a common
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