Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] ' and " in BNC.

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1 NUAAW dates from 1906 when , in response to political victimization and tied cottage evictions in Norfolk , the Eastern Counties Agricultural Labourers ' and Small Holders ' Union was founded in North Walsham .
2 The membership remained largely moribund until the First World War , although the title of the union had been somewhat pretentiously changed to the National Agricultural Labourers ' and Rural Workers ' Union ( N A L R W U ) in 1912 .
3 Apart from the deadlines created hy husbands ' and children 's needs , she imposes her own time pressures ; these follow from the way she organizes her work and the kind of standards she sets herself .
4 to have established and improved Widows ' and Orphans ' Funds in the Banks ;
5 In his early fifties he took up flying , gaining both French Aviators ' and Royal Aero Club certificates .
6 In listing the various problems faced by 5 Corps , Macmillan includes " Dealing with the White Russians and Cossacks , together with their wives and families , serving in these German forces ' and " Dealing with Ustachis , Chetniks and other Yugoslav refugees , deciding which , if any , are to be handed over to the Tito troops etc " .
7 Foreign ministers ' and NACC meetings
8 His name was Joseph Havelock Wilson , the year was 1887 and he made clear his ambition by grandiosely entitling his new organisation the National Amalgamated Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union of Great Britain and Ireland .
9 Apart from himself , " only one man turned up — Frank Foley by name and I enrolled Foley as a member after I had enrolled myself , so that there were then two members of the National Amalgamated Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union of Great Britain " .
10 Whether anything at all had been salvaged out of the wreck of the National Amalgamated Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was still questionable .
11 The Sixth Annual General Meeting of the National Amalgamated Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was held , as would normally have been expected , at the end of October 1894 in a mood of retrenchment and with threats from Wilson , now designated general president , and Robert McBride , recently created general secretary , that they would no longer tolerate " the underhand and carping pettiness of branch officials " and their " present lax and disorderly method of conducting the business of the union " and would resign if the situation did not improve .
12 " One summer 's morning in 1894 the National Amalgamated Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union was wound up ; its leaders then adjourned for lunch and a drink , re-entering the building in the afternoon to start a new union under a slightly different name " .
13 Some , like the Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union , of which only a single item of evidence remains , appears to have had friendly relations with the National Sailors and Firemen .
14 He almost immediately led a breakaway of members into a Scottish Sailors ' and Firemen 's Union at a wage of £pound2 a week and made common cause with Alderman " Tommy " Lewis , who had already led a similar breakaway in Southampton to form the British Seafarers ' Union with which Shinwell 's union merged .
15 The training officer of one licensed dealer taught the Stock Exchange Licensed Representatives ' and Traders ' Examination in the evenings to dealers who had to be pushed into attending his classes , like unwilling schoolboys .
16 Proponents of this view tend to see the idea of parental possession as one that is still protected and upheld by the law and by social agencies ; and they believe this state of affairs to be damaging to children , given that parents ' and children 's interests sometimes conflict .
17 a ) Individual solicitors ' and solicitors firms in private practice ;
18 The other major offence is drunken driving , an offence bristling with technicalities which carries a maximum prison sentence of six months ' and a minimum period twelve months ' disqualification from driving .
19 But what are these " early dayes ' and who is the " I " of the utterance ?
20 Rodolfo Salas , a leading member of the illegal Communist Party of the Philippines-Marxist Leninist , on May 14 was convicted of rebellion and sentenced to six years ' and a day in prison ; Salas had been arrested in 1986 [ see p. 34872 ] .
21 Rabkrin ( the Central Workers ' and Peasants ' Inspectorate ) calculated that at the start of 1923 from 20 to 26 per cent of all village Soviet business lay in this sphere , whereas cultural and commune activities took up only 5 to 10 per cent of their time .
22 Partnership is a more recent concept and it would not fit in too well with the motivations which inspired early industrialists ' and educationalists ' interest in further and higher education .
23 It was unclear whether the restoration would be recognized as constitutionally valid by the USSR authorities by their giving the Crimea a seat on the Federation Council ( a recent spate of autonomous regions ' and districts ' unilaterally proclaiming themselves ASSRs , and indeed of ASSRs ' proclaiming themselves full republics , had so far gone unrecognized — see pp. 37664 ; 37788 ) .
24 The PPC won eight seats and 7.7 per cent of the vote ; the Independent Moralising Front ( FIM ) won seven seats and 6.2 per cent ; Renovation , led by Rafael Rey Rey , a member of the previous congress , won six seats and 5.5 per cent ; the Democratic Left Movement ( MDI ) won five seats and 4.8 per cent ; Democratic Co-ordination , led by José Barba Caballero , an APRA member of the previous congress , won four seats and 4.1 per cent ; and Solidarity and Democracy , the Popular Agricultural Front , the National Workers ' and Peasants ' Front ( Frenatraca ) and the Popular Agricultural Front each won two seats .
25 It is considered that an ideal land bank will vary between a minimum of three years ' and a maximum of five years ' stock .
26 Another recent example is Arguelles 's and Rich 's description of twentieth-century lesbians ' and gay men 's lives in Cuba .
27 How Newco is to be funded , and the instititional investors ' and banks ' requirements in connection with the funding , must be addressed early in the buy-out process .
28 The brief history of the National Viewers ' and Listeners ' Association in the following chapter suggests that this is , however , an incomplete conceptualisation .
29 The following chapter on the role of the National Viewers ' and Listeners ' Association ( NVALA ) in the 1960s , and the following case studies , will consider evidence which casts doubt on this order of priority .
30 The following chapter looks at the debates over permissiveness in more detail , by examining the preoccupations of the moral entrepreneurs of the period , and in particular , Mary Whitehouse and the National Viewers ' and Listeners ' Association .
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