Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] from [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Up to 4,000 spectators are expected and police believe around 500 journalists from around the world will cover the 3pm service .
2 This year , the competition has been enlarged to cover 128 schools from throughout the United Kingdom , including Scotland and Northern Ireland .
3 Its got more than eight thousand different types of plants , and attracts scientific experts from around the world .
4 Adding to the already extensive number of jazz venues in Birmingham , Ronnie Scott 's new club attracts top artists from around the world .
5 Each week , top musicians from around the region will present a lively programme of toe-tapping jazz , with the emphasis on having a good time .
6 It has progressed over the years to international status attracting many of the top riders from around the world .
8 S/he is a strange and disturbing figure still , though now for different reasons from in the Renaissance .
9 Cadfael straightened out the coarse folds of the hood , and shook out a few pale feathery fragments from among them .
10 It will bring together interested parties from around the country to exchange experience and to develop a network for interested individuals , educational institutions , training programmes , and state administrations .
11 We shall briefly consider some criticisms from within sociolinguistics below .
12 But there were other interesting visitors from down the strath — Cameron the builder , who came late , and sat in a pew near the back beside Donald Stewart , the blacksmith from Grandtully .
13 The 1992 Berlin Film Festival attracted more than 700 films from around the world in documentary and feature categories .
14 Are you interested in tasting and comparing different varieties from around the world ?
15 A group of leading communicators , scholars and representatives of cultural organisations from throughout Latin America and the Caribbean have proposed a six-year plan to promote the production and use of locally-produced TV , film and video programmes .
16 In 1971 , using a radioimmunoassay technique on homogenised tissue , Schwarz and Weber suggested that intrinsic factor may be present in fetal stomachs from at least 13 weeks of gestation .
17 On April 21-22 this group , which appeared dominated by hardline conservatives , had organized ( without approval by the CPSU central committee ) an " initiative congress " in Leningrad attended by around 800 delegates from throughout Russia to promote the idea of the new party .
18 Interestingly , virtually all published studies from around the world have reported similar findings .
19 His astonished gaze was fixed on the second familiar face staring out at the public floggings from amid the crowd of frightened coolies on the first truck , a face he had n't seen for even longer — that of his own father !
20 Thus all public referrals from within Rochdale received by the team between 1 October 1987 and 31 March 1988 were monitored and evaluated via the completion of a pre-coded questionnaire .
21 Her hair escaped in wayward fronds from beneath her brown velvet hat , and her eyes , of the same brown , were full of friendliness .
22 The doctor had finished , and , after removing the old newspapers from under Sarah , covered her up .
23 The salmon sheets Chair , we have shown our estimates of what ideally we would like for the continuing introduction of the Children Act and its requirements , the Criminal Justice Act , and the Warner Reports , but we do recognize , and I think this Committee recognizes , the difficult financial position the County Council finds itself in , and therefore the intention is to meet those unavoidable requirements from within the base budget , and there are no bids in these papers for funding towards those .
24 A few examples from within the membership of the clay Roofing Tile Council illustrate this point .
25 The following are just a few examples from around the world of ICIs activities in reducing its wastes :
26 Most issues were to be decided unanimously , where any one state clearly had a veto , or by a qualified majority of 12 votes from at least four states : this was designed to protect the interests of all states , not just the smaller members .
27 With trade diversion , the initially preferred tariff-laden imports from third countries are replaced by tariff-free imports from within the CU .
28 ‘ A number of these self-appointed moralists even choose to make such judgments from behind a cloud of cigarette smoke .
29 Subduction of the northern Iapetus Ocean floor then switched in Ordovician times from under the Midland Valley to under the Southern Uplands basement and an island arc developed .
30 BOB Dylan and Van Morrison are stars of the annual Fleadh Gaelic for festival expected to be attended by 30,000 music-lovers from around Britain at Finsbury Park in London today .
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