Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] at [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 But to accumulate meant that it was necessary to obtain agricultural products at prices that would transfer the necessary surplus to the state sector .
2 Ramsay , for example , has promoted the concept of the sheltered footpath which , analogous to sheltered housing , would meet the special needs of the disabled.50 Others would argue that in all new pedestrian provision the opportunity must be taken to ensure that the appropriate design guidelines are followed from the outset in providing dropped kerbs at junctions , ramps , tactile information , acoustic signals , and continuity of surface for the chairbound , thus integrating the disabled into a new , safe and inviting environment for all walkers .
3 Susan exhibits the originals of her published illustrations at galleries , but through her publisher Thames and Hudson extends her book market into cards , calendars , and other mementoes , all very well received by the general public .
4 The dissociation was temperature dependent with average time constants of 30 s , 10 mins and 2 hours at temperatures of 37°C , 20°C and 4°C respectively .
5 The latter 's captaincy gave him some pleasant social summers at camps near Brighton but rather less desirable autumn duties elsewhere .
6 JIMMY McCRAE , of Scotland , won the 2,200-mile round-Britain Autoglass Tour by 22 minutes at Brands Hatch yesterday when he finished second to Wales 's David Llewellin in the final stage .
7 High notes at climaxes .
8 Whilst access to these acres helped alleviate some of the expansionist pressures the cost of transport or difficulty in maintaining adequate attention could lead to unacceptably high losses at times .
9 From mid-July local office workers and residents will be able to enjoy free performances at lunchtimes and evenings against the dramatic back-drop of St Paul 's Cathedral .
10 The division secured a major five year contract from National Power in 1992 covering the repair and maintenance of their gas turbine driven alternators at sites throughout England and Wales .
11 Peter Thompson remembers that the band did not want Red Rhino to set up record-signing sessions at shops .
12 The move follows a survey by FOE which purports to show that the water supply of millions of people in the area is contaminated by 12 pesticides at levels up to 16 times above the legal limit .
13 Evidently he did not expect to give riotous or alcoholic parties at times when the tutor might be in .
14 Fleischmann and Pons were seeing 25 per cent unaccounted-for heat sometimes and had not yet more than the hope of proving that there were neutrons proving fusion ; Jones claimed to have seen a few neutrons at levels which , while interesting for science and understanding aspects of the Earth , bore no large scale practical benefits — what use is a billionth of a watt ?
15 The shutters were firmly closed at the ticket booth , the waxwork policemen staring with sightless eyes at passers-by .
16 So the old-fashioned horse-rearing aristocrats , in their baronial castles at places like Amphana , had their rivals .
17 As mentioned , the 650's neck is wider than the company 's usual 1″ , this time echoing Gibson 's most popular models at 1″ .
18 It is hoped to develop a training programme and to hold social functions at venues throughout the Principality .
19 The true face of motoring , Cambridge University style : checking out tired old motors at auctions
20 Our own observations suggest that libraries , refurbished and sometimes reopened in anticipation of , or as a result of , a project grant , were popular places at lunchtimes and breaks , though as much for doing unrelated homework and/or sheltering from the weather as for specific use of the resources .
21 The South Eastern Area supported the Appeal through public collections at events in the London area and also at a special street collection in Central London on 10 July .
22 In the first few years at Rangers , he was sent off for striking five different opponents .
23 RIGHT : One of the most interesting buildings at Beards Mill is this early 19th century wool store , which may also have been used for weaving .
24 The company says that it has licensed the technology to several board and systems manufacturers , who will be announcing board-level products in the next few weeks at prices between $300 and $600 .
25 It was his idea that they should-read his books together and then discuss van der Post 's mystical ideas at mealtimes .
26 There s been increasing pressure on education authorities to reduce the number of empty places at schools , which means some village schools have had to combine or close altogether .
27 This is followed by a report on the construction of lifeboats , then by one on the state of knowledge on radiant heat , again the third of a series , essentially reviewing recent work all over Europe ; then an account of the results of magnetic observations at observatories in the British colonies , another Humboldtian exercise ; a report on how Solar Radiations affect the Vital Powers of plants , grown under bell-glasses of various colours ; a catalogue of meteors ; a report on the surface of the Moon ; another on water-pressure machinery ; and reports on the equivalence of starch and sugar in food , on deviations of the compass in iron and wooden ships , and on the vitality of seeds .
28 I used to get them various gigs at the Marquee Club in Wardour Street and the Roundhouse , and some dates at universities throughout the country , but there was n't an awful lot coming in although I did succeed in getting him a TV appearance and the producer , who was a good friend of mine , said , ‘ I 'll not have this guy on my programme with long hair ’ . ’
29 ‘ There 's still something of a stigma in being an unemployed professional , ’ said Kate Comfort , director of public affairs at RIAS .
30 Western railway companies like the Union Pacific built immigrant lodging-houses and segregated eating-places at stations throughout the West , and attempted to keep immigrant and normal trains separate , but this proved to be impossible at the larger stations .
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