Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Sort of three pounds for a couple of little , little pairs of knickers and that and that 's a lot when you think they when she first starts she 's gon na be getting through seven or eight pairs a day .
2 Tousle-haired Roy Greenwood played three or four games for the Palace as an amateur in October 1954 , but was immediately invited to sign professional forms a month later .
3 The female , beating her wings as fast as 500 times a second creates the high-pitched hum that is so unsettling as you lie in camp trying to go to sleep without a mosquito net .
4 The next extract refers to a period in Salisbury when Philip Parrish works eight hours a day in preparation for his Civil Service examination without too many lapses into dreaming .
5 For the next 35 years , almost without a break , Asimov produced 90 words a minute , eight hours a day , seven days a week , first on a typewriter and later on a word processor , and he invariably wrote three books at once .
6 Removing the supports of these state agencies — the welfare net , subsidized public services — would face people with a ‘ reality test ’ : that if you do n't sweep floors eight hours a day , you wo n't have any money to live on .
7 They represent acceptable exposure levels based on eight hours a day for five days a week .
8 The power available from the hydroelectric station will be at least 800 MW , eight hours a day for the first 20 years , thereafter falling by about 30 per cent .
9 I now leave the lights on for eight hours a day .
10 He was a file-grinder by trade , sitting astride a roaring belt-driven stone wheel , breathing in dust for eight hours a day until chronic bronchitis and pneumoconiosis drove him to an early retirement .
11 And , according to the Nihon Keizai Simbun , the semi-public TV network NHK has been running HDTV broadcasts eight hours a day on a test basis since last year .
12 ‘ It 's the electric fireplace which the American public watches an average of six to eight hours a day ’ .
13 The Manila stockmarket is at an all-time high ; yet electricity power-cuts in the country last an average of eight hours a day .
14 Unlike many of their colleagues in the public sector general practitioners in the Conceicao programme work for the full contracted eight hours a day .
15 Er I offered it for about eight hours a day , but they might send us somebody might .
16 Those who were miners worked a three-shift system — eight hours a day , six days a week .
17 From the sowing date onwards the plants remain in a controlled environment , with temperature 20°C , humidity constant and warm-white lighting at an intensity of about 40 Wm -2 for eight hours a day , darkness sixteen hours a day .
18 Rather than spend eight hours a day gathering firewood , they will conserve fuel by cooking less frequently or more communally .
19 These developments could open up new vistas of flexible working for large numbers of employees , who no longer need to be herded together in downtown locations for eight hours a day .
20 It should be stressed that in the first period , when the plaintiff was at Addenbrookes hospital , that is from June nineteen eighty seven to May nineteen eighty eight , at least one parent was in attendance for eight hours a day .
21 As BR and union leaders tried to resolve the problem of finding new jobs for the teams , the men turned up for work each day at Liverpool 's Central Station and simply sat in their vans for eight hours a day .
22 Mrs Taylor , who only has partial sight in one eye , has spent eight years studying eight hours a day to achieve her degree by using a specially adapted tape recorder .
23 I mean I was in eight and a half hours yesterday , eight hours a day before
24 I mean eight hours a day , it 's got ta be over the hundred
25 We will require employers to give everyone who works for them for more than eight hours a week a clear written statement of their terms and conditions of employment .
26 Apart from his own studies , Tetsu teaches English and mathematics to children ; he had taught eight hours a week over the past year to finance this , his first trip outside his homeland .
27 We spent eight hours a week listening to the radio — but mainly while doing something else .
28 If they work between eight and sixteen hours a week they need five years ' continuous employment before they qualify for payment , while those who work less than eight hours a week have no entitlement to redundancy payments .
29 If you work for between eight and 16 hours you will have to have worked for the same employer for at least five years to be eligible , and if you work for less than eight hours a week , you 'll lose these rights altogether .
30 In addition Mrs scheme at page forty three provides for a further twenty eight hours a week to be provided in some other way , that it is suggested is parental care , but it seems to me that it would either be parental care or hired care .
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