Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [to-vb] at " in BNC.

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1 Lumb says it 's because they do n't have a branch there , but we think it 's solid Labour to look at all the blue posters .
2 Social services are standing by their decision to pay for the 14-year old to stay at his grandparents ' villa , but refused to talk about the inquiry .
3 After receiving cases of whisky and champagne for being both top trainer at Hamilton and provider of most runners at the track this year , Berry said : ‘ I 've only a few left to run at Edinburgh on Thursday and Doncaster this weekend , but I could have half a dozen for the all-weather courses .
4 Did you find this difficult to do at school ?
5 Even human beings find this distressing to encounter at close quarters without any warning , and find themselves drawing back .
6 Out of the corner of his eye , because up here there was altogether too much outside to look at , Dorcas saw flashing lights on the main road , far away .
7 BARBARA WINDSOR ( actress ) : ‘ Let's face it , the penis ai n't all that pretty to look at .
8 No stripping off and being stood on blocks for the world-weary rich to stare at in lust or mockery .
9 But for many just to race at Henley will be prize enough .
10 Two is that it would be extremely unwise for Biggs to engage in serious pugilistic activity without first retaining the services of an attendant unlikely to panic at the sight of a badly lacerated brow .
11 The appended list gives names of all officers and members of Council currently serving , and indicates those due to retire at the close of the AGM .
12 So what forces impeded the real wage rate from falling so as to bring into employment those willing to work at the going wage rate ?
13 And the swarm of people flowed down the path , stumbling on stones where a burn ran in winter or after thunderstorms , between the silvery wands of rowans with their clusters of blood-drops and the quivering tapestry of the alders , down into the Tay which ran from the west like molten iron , too flashing bright to look at , and over the Tay , wet to the waist ; the girls and boys who had not gone home were prancing and shrieking when they fell full length .
14 Over two-thirds planned to save at least half .
15 TODAY won a vital victory yesterday when the Attorney General agreed to look at the case of the evil Harley Street rapist , Dr Tom Courtney .
16 In order to understand their significance and the ways in which money supply can be controlled , it is first necessary to look at the various types of account in which money can be held and at the various financial institutions involved .
17 He returned to teaching in Catholic schools , being chosen as the first African to teach at a seminary for future priests near Elmina .
18 At present it is smothered with yellow varnish , and while conservation due to begin at the Rijksmuseum in the Spring will certainly improve it , it remains to be seen how much of the picture can be recovered , and to see if the Rijksmuseum 's money was well spent .
19 Conrad too found the primitive and metropolitan uniting to hint at something underlying and awful , ‘ The horror ! the horror ! ’
20 Such patterns may be the result of Sisyphean fitness and not represent irreversible tendencies to speciation , i.e. the formation of ‘ populations ’ of plant genotypes , representing the best available to arrive at a particular point under the prevailing biotic and physical features at any one particular time .
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