Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] had " in BNC.

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1 She accepted two more helpings of beef , asking Daniel to cut it from the edges , remarking that bloody meat had always turned her stomach , we all have our different tastes , do n't we ?
2 Harrison explained that a few months earlier eight European environmentalists had stirred up international press coverage by chaining themselves to a logging barge at Miri .
3 Each path would be expanded in a depth-first , backtrack , depth-first , backtrack pattern until each possible combination had been extended over the poor patch .
4 John installed a filter and later added a waterfall , but a rapid drop in the water level one day spelt trouble and somewhere in the region of 180 assorted fish had to be found a new home .
5 According to Indian Army statistics , at least 1,100 Indian soldiers and 2,200 Tamil fighters had been killed in the 32 months of fighting since the IPKF 's July 1987 arrival ; other estimates put the losses higher , and there had been an unknown number of civilian casualties .
6 That hateful inspector had dragged her away , even though Ma had been weeping enough to fill a kettle .
7 Those eyes , like two green beetles which a squirming tattooed spider had now digested …
8 Alice hoped it was not on account of Jasper though , clearly , to make that emotional speech had not been to clever .
9 The proposal for a new trading zone and for regional economic co-operation had first been mooted in 1989 by Turkey , which was responsible for convening this meeting .
10 There were also some comments about homosexual authors and a few feeble attempts to refute allegations about Labour authorities — not that Labour authorities had not promoted homosexuality , but that only a few had and they had not spent millions of pounds doing it .
11 An Iraqi protest addressed to the UN alleging that Israeli warplanes had overflown Iraq on Oct. 4 using UN helicopters as cover , was categorically rejected by Pérez de Cuéllar on Oct. 16 .
12 It showed that more than 10% of normal pregnant women had two hour glucose concentrations after a 75 g glucose tolerance test of more than 8 mmol/l and were thus labelled as having impaired glucose tolerance .
13 Three patients had surgery during the second year of the study ; two with total ulcerative colitis had a colectomy , and one patient had a terminal ileal resection .
14 The smaller regional administrative units had initialled the Treaty on March 18 .
15 The first European Indoor Games had been held in Dortmund twenty years earlier and
16 At Huddersfield , a strong reserve force had been a vital factor in the Championship run , and Chapman soon set about building a similar force at Arsenal .
17 If only that bloody dry cleaner had been as inefficient as most of them usually were .
18 I had thought that the ghastly images of that awful day had been burned forever in the minds of anyone who saw them .
19 Ted Smith was a marvellous goalscorer for Crystal Palace on both sides of the Great War and , if that awful event had not reduced the impact of his career with us , it is almost certain that he and not Peter Simpson would have been our leading goalscorer of all time .
20 His rampant facial heat had set up its headquarters in his nose ; from there , stray tendrils of blood seemed to leak into his remorseful grey eyes .
21 The Organization of European Economic Co-operation had flourished so much that , by 1959 , it had eighteen members and other countries outside Europe , such as the U.S.A. , Canada , Australia & Japan , wished to join .
22 In their December nineteen forty one issue of Home and Country magazine , the Institute reported that two thousand six hundred and fifty preserving centres had been opened .
23 Restrictions on 243 agricultural items had already been lifted in 1989 and further goods were to be added to the list shortly .
24 Britain also refused to sign a Social Charter in 1989 which guaranteed certain minimum social rights to EC peoples , and it had to be said , thirty years after the Rome treaties , that European unity had not really fulfilled the high hopes of Schuman , de Gasperi or Adenauer .
25 It was easier for Labour MPs and other party members to move to a new organization than to transfer to another party ; the SDP could stand for the memory of Attlee , Morrison and Gaitskell , and argue that the present-day Labour Party had moved away towards more extreme policies .
26 And since there were nine provinces , each political secretary had at least 100 people reporting directly to him , many times what the doctrine of the span of control would allow .
27 At the beginning it appeared as if those who wanted to flog Europe for being an inadequate political animal were going to win , that political union had been put off still further …
28 The United Somali Congress ( USC ) , which drew its support from the Hawiye clan of central Somalia , launched an offensive in late December , while the largest rebel group , the northern-based Somali National Movement ( SNM ) , dismissed as " futile " a government announcement on Dec. 26 that political parties had been legalized with immediate effect .
29 Staples ( 1898 ) and Williams ( 1903 ) additionally give quite detailed descriptions of the vowel in the city , which allow us to infer that low variants had a much wider distribution then than they do today .
30 By the late Carboniferous a vertebrate amphibian with weak stumpy legs had arrived , probably descended from the ichthyostegids .
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