Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [vb past] [pn reflx] " in BNC.

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1 Professional clubs formed themselves into limited liability companies not to speculate in the entertainment business but to make legally secure the cost of providing facilities .
2 Within the Korean community in particular , heavily armed shop-owners organized themselves in defence of their businesses .
3 Either way the working groups exposed themselves to criticism for failing to produce universal and progressive learning hierarchies .
4 From the Merovingians to the Habsburgs , European dynasties regarded themselves , and were regarded by their subjects , as enjoying a unique mandate from ‘ on high ’ .
5 Even the most well-intentioned and politically sensitive non-governmental organizations found themselves supporting projects which in the long term strengthened individuals rather than communities , unrealistically raised expectations or created unintended dependency relationships .
6 One of the undulating shapes detached itself from the wall and advanced towards the shining executioner as though blind to its danger .
7 Labour candidates found themselves pledged to unilateral disarmament , withdrawal from the European Community and an economic policy that would have brought the country to bankruptcy within weeks .
8 The site from which the mountains were drawn would be chosen so the different peaks arranged themselves to their best advantage whilst retaining their correct topographical position .
9 When the result — 373 votes for , 12 against — flashed up on the black and green computer screens at either end of the chamber , the assembled deputies gave themselves a short , self-congratulatory round of applause .
10 Thus , owners who were forced to sell their land to public authorities considered themselves to be very badly treated in comparison with those who were able to sell at the enhanced prices resulting in part from planning restrictions on other sites .
11 In equal isolation at the Intercontinental Hotel , 16 miles away , Lebanese journalists found themselves restricted to the parliament 's two opening statements and a diet of gentle assurances from Prince Saud al-Feisel , the Saudi Foreign Minister , that optimism was the order of the day , but while he had heard of some disputes in the parliamentary chamber , he had every reason to believe the Lebanese would accept the Arab League peace plan .
12 Some manufacturers had themselves licensed as credit brokers , and in their advertisements offered INTEREST FREE CREDIT to any who purchased their goods — ‘ over a period of 12 months APR 0% ’ .
13 At first two of his sons , Emanuel , who died 22 August 1614 , with Daniel Hechstetter ( as the English descendants called themselves ) , and then Daniel with Emanuel 's son Joseph continued , more modestly and successfully , to operate the works and mines until about 1634 , when they went bankrupt .
14 Indeed , when the German Communists reconstituted themselves as a political party ( the DKP ) in October 1968 , the Bonn government saw no need to ban them , because orthodox Communists did not seem a threat .
15 Two Palestinians were shot dead in clashes with the Israeli army in the occupied territories yesterday as wanted Arabs gave themselves up for fear of being shot by undercover squads .
16 Mangen and Castel relate an appalling tale of how the circumstances in which the French asylums found themselves in the Second World War prompted experiment with alternatives .
17 What accounts for the complexity of the problem of evaluation is not only the economic and social costs involved themselves , but the interests , conflicting or in harmony , of those who pay the costs and those who reap the benefits .
18 In Bulgaria , some Christians allowed themselves to be manipulated by the State , rather than face severe hardship or persecution .
19 Further attempts at fostering were not tried , and the residential workers saw themselves as the main people in Michael 's life .
20 Back in 1983–84 , around 20 or 30 individuals styled themselves the Polo Posse — later Lo Lifes — setting out to steal ( ‘ boost ’ ) Ralph Lauren gear to wear , and resell to the growing number of black kids turning from the B-boy aesthetic to the preppy look , going from LL Cool J to LL Bean .
21 The Time of Troubles had further weakened their position , and as the Duma swelled in size from about 30 in the 1620s to almost 180 in the 1680s , the old families found themselves dissolving among the parvenus .
22 As those behind came piling into the snarl-up , the Scottish schiltrons launched themselves downhill and cut the stumbling knights to pieces .
23 The planned Leipzig Museum for Contemporary Art was conceived back in 1987 , before the reunification of Germany , as a place in which art from both East and West could be seen together a means of ending the isolation that East German museums found themselves in .
24 Here , some teachers found themselves , often for the first time in their careers , with the opportunity to engage in depth with a small number of individuals , yet were not always able fully to exploit the possibilities because sustained questioning and discussion at that level required them to have a clear framework of the kinds of question they wished to promote and a grasp of the ways a sequence of such questions related to the wider map of the curriculum area in which a particular learning task was located .
25 The minute for the first of April begins " In the spring of the present year a few friends convened themselves together for the purpose of considering the possibility of opening a News & Reading Room . "
26 At the OK Corral — as she preferred to call what some of its visitors termed her quim ( the phrase struck her as useful after she 'd seen the Western ) — some men proved themselves and others came to grief , and both kinds had male competitors on their mind and wanted to outgun them .
27 Mosley 's political trajectory was an extreme reaction to the dilemma in which British socialists found themselves .
28 A much more specific fear was that young people would be provoked into imitative crime by the daring exploits witnessed on the screen , and the National Council of Public Morals addressed itself with particular vigour to the belief ‘ that the picture house is responsible for the increase in juvenile crime , and that boys are often led to imitate crimes ( larceny or burglary ) which they have seen in the pictures , or to steal money that they may pay for admission , .
29 The Scottish Jacobites withdrew themselves from the Scottish Convention which met on 14 March 1689 , and as a result the settlement north of the border was worked out predominantly by Whigs .
30 The Revolution also changed the earlier status of the Whigs as a party of opposition and the Tories as the party of government , as some Whigs found themselves increasingly drawn into the new royal administration , and as Tories became more and more alienated from the new regime .
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