Example sentences of "[adj] [noun pl] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 Erm I think for some reasons Trudy we so a rogue in there , bridge assessment records , I applies to P Way .
2 In a few minutes Tim we 're going to walk to the post office .
3 The weekly covers things he more or less knows about and it seems more often to be of more direct concern to him and his family than an event that happened elsewhere .
4 In a few months time we are hoping to start a lunch club in the hall on 2 or 3 days per week , providing a three course lunch for a very small cost .
5 It 's time we had ministers who will listen to Social Services and in a few months time we shall have them , a Labour Government .
6 well we ca n't go into the reasons for that but I said let's respect the reasons I said if that 's how you feel I said , you 're a man you you must make your own decisions I said probably in a few months time you 'll come
7 Mind you , I am under few illusions : it is probably boredom in the short-term few months job I have found , and worry as it is , in real terms , a lot less than half my old salary .
8 Throughout it all , he keenly defends himself against the propaganda with which the minders assigned to foreign journalists bombard him .
9 It 's safe to say that in a few years time they will be playing Las Vegas . ’
10 I know it 's my fault she 's here , I suppose in a few years time I 'll wish I 'd been here , but now I want to be out enjoying myself .
11 In a few days time we 'll be sitting him on top of a bonfire and standing around in the cold night while we light up the sky with loads of colour .
12 If you lose 2 days work you will qualify because there are 6 days in the social welfare week and you are now unemployed for 3 of them .
13 As a member of the Scottish Sports Council I was closely involved in setting up arrangements for access to rivers .
14 Lady Diana said : ‘ In 12 days time I shall no longer be men . ’
15 Better than any old leeds player I can think of .
16 This new Social Studies Syllabus they are designing seems a great improvement over the old History and Geography ones .
17 However , at British Airways Cargo it is the global implications of the Single Market which are receiving most attention , ’ says Peter White .
18 Using professional public relations agencies it buys their expertise and contacts to produce high quality slots featuring nationally famous personalities to promote the library nationally .
19 As a public relations consultant it is assumed you can write and speak with skill and authority .
20 As a public relations executive you may be involved in work during industrial disputes , the moving or opening of a client factory , large scale redundancies , or other employment changes to your client 's company .
21 Even though glowing reports of fund raising efforts will have some public relations spin-off they are unlikely to overcome any serious doubts the local community might have about the school .
22 In a few seconds time he might be face to face with the man who had killed Daniel .
23 In some police divisions I know there are no soldiers . ’
24 In some police stations we 've identified criminals actually stand more chance of being cautioned than prosecuted .
25 Nigel 's sympathetic male editor agreed to ask all the good-looking women writers he could think of .
26 In their recent social services letter they announce that the new 1993 fund will consider applications only from people who have not first been in touch with their SSDs .
27 If you require the help of your local Social Services Department they can be contacted through your local Town Hall .
28 When I started discussions with the social services department I had an open mind about the service to be delivered .
29 In the course of researching extra material for Pursuit in the Public Records Office I made one lucky and quite unexpected find .
30 If practise breeds professionalism and The Wishplants are this adept now , in six months time they 'll have the gap all sewn up .
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