Example sentences of "[adj] [art] [noun] went " in BNC.

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1 After that the tide went slowly out , with it the piece of wood .
2 Happily , after this the judge went on to say that nevertheless it was ‘ a beautiful thing ’ and awarded it first prize .
3 The significance of this case is not only that the House of Lords effectively over-ruled the majority decision in Candler but also that in doing this the judgment went beyond Lord Denning 's minority judgment .
4 In all the Partnerships , more than half the expenditure went on capital as opposed to current spending and , in some areas such as Manchester — Salford , the capital-expenditure figure was much higher .
5 The barman took the dive for cover as half the bar-counter went the way of all flesh , only faster .
6 She did n't know where half the things went , but she tidied them up and put them in piles on the stairs so people could taken them up to their rooms when they went , and the kitchen looked nice and tidy .
7 The BMA called a press conference on the emigration of doctors an hour beforehand , half the journalists went off to that , and the fierce women sent along by the pressure groups whom I had invited to liven up the occasion terrorised the few press men who remained into almost complete silence .
8 He got out , some the plane went on without him .
9 After the unveiling ceremony a special train hauled by No 2 The Countess went as far as Castle Caereinion before returning to Raven Square .
10 But about 11.30 the siren went .
11 The king , however , also had reason to conciliate the Stanleys and in 1472 the matter went to arbitration .
12 The king , however , also had reason to conciliate the Stanleys and in 1472 the matter went to arbitration .
13 Around 1885 the company went out of business , replaced within a year by Priday Metford and Co .
14 Probably half a year went by .
15 so , erm , they rang and they rang , and they rang for a good twenty to twenty five minutes and we just erm , we , we all huddled together in the living room , and erm , anyway about half an hour went past , and then they finally went , we saw them , we live in a flat , and we saw them from the window , we saw them going back to the station you see .
16 Half an hour went by , for no apparent reason .
17 fancy the paella he said no problem I make paella so , I mean all of half an hour went by , but we went in and we had paella and then all these people started dancing , they moved the chairs back and they started clapping and singing and dancing and I said is this
18 Within the general framework of his attack on the humanistic Hegelian tradition of Western Marxism , Althusser 's specific objection to Sartre 's attempt to mediate Marxism with existential subjectivity was that such a move went against the crucial discoveries which had founded Marxism in the first place ; in an extension of Lévi-Strauss ' argument , he maintained that the notion of ‘ man ’ that Sartre used was derived from a particular ideological definition of the human subject which represses Marx 's insight that the human subject is not the centre of history , together with Freud 's that the subject is not centred in consciousness .
19 Suppose , then , that such a tenant went off to war , from a sense of duty either to his King or to his God , or in the hope of booty , not knowing if and when he would return .
20 About ten Hurricanes were gathered round the dispersal hut at Takali on the afternoon of 25 May when just before 1400 the sirens went , but the squadron was not ordered off , although the pilots were ready strapped into their cockpits .
21 During February , 1692 the Campbells went to Glencoe and under the guise of friendship billeted themselves on McIan Macdonald and his kinsmen .
22 The late autumn and winter again aggravated his emphysema and he looked tired and pale.Although he preferred to stay where he was , his doctor insisted that he travel once more to the sun for the worst of the winter , and at the end of 1960 the Eliots went to Jamaica .
23 She had been a teacher , and made sure the girl went to a good school : ‘ my granny had more influence on me education-wise .
24 So the men always made sure the apprentices went and er it was just a matter over the years going to the meetings that you get interested in the business of the trade unions .
25 OPERA buffs made sure the show went on when a storm hit their open-air Carmen — they moved into a cowshed .
26 As the bus pulled into the depot , just in time before all the busmen went on strike , I looked around in surprise .
27 Yesterday a fuse blew and all the screens went down in the middle of the show .
28 Brynllys has been farmed organically by Rachel 's family since 1942 , but until 1982 all the milk went off in the tanker with everybody else 's , putting the lie to the old chestnut that organic producers must have a premium .
29 All the others went on to be priests .
30 And then when all the others went , ’ Mrs Hollidaye carried on talking as she removed Loopy Lil 's empty porridge bowl and replaced it with a plate piled high with toast , ‘ Lilian was the only one who stayed .
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