Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] might [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 In any case , the reasons for regarding the idea of numerical identity and that of numerical diversity as significant are not such as might enable us to decide unequivocally whether something observed on one occasion is numerically the same as something else observed on a different occasion , or how many ontological objects are involved in a given case .
2 He carries no bag , such as might hold a towel and swimsuit .
3 In this respect the Planning Department preferred the ‘ permanent ’ use offered by conversion to rented housing to a transitory use , such as might result from re-use of the building as , say , a carpet sales warehouse .
4 Further , because the public interest is the root of corporate legitimacy demands for responsibility need not be confined to the avoidance of obvious forms of social harm , such as might result from pollution , dangerous products , or false advertising , but potentially embrace all exercises of social decision-making power by companies , the manifestations of which were considered earlier .
5 Any error as a result of variation in the proportion of active and inactive tissue between patients ( such as might result if one patient 's mucosa was atrophic ) should be alleviated by measuring glutamine metabolism in adjacent biopsy specimens and examining the ratio of butyrate/ glutamine metabolised .
6 Free chlorine in small amount ( 0.1–0.2 p.p.m. ) , such as might come from water sterilization , is not likely to be troublesome , but , if in excess of this , it could be objectionable .
7 The Court of Appeal detected " underlying transactions of a solicitorial nature " and determined that on the expert evidence ( inter alia from a former President of the Law Society ) which had been presented the undertakings given were such as might come within the usual course of a solicitor 's business .
8 Only such a crisis , of almost inconceivably devastating proportions — such as might follow a major war — could so undermine and destroy the existing pluralist political structures that a new form of fascist-style charismatic leadership might appear to sizeable proportions of the population to be a viable and attractive solution .
9 Putt tried to reply but the result was a sound such as might escape from the lips of a choking man .
10 He sat at the head of the table and was served by kneeling courtiers such as might have attended a real prince .
11 Further , the Webbs ' gross failure of comprehension is complemented by their advocacy of an apparatus of state and municipal ownership , and of a bureaucratic management such as might have been deliberately designed not to maximise those chances .
12 Layered bodies of rock , such as might have come from a succession of lava flows , are rare on the Moon , and those observed might be the result of other processes , such as impacts .
13 An entirely polyphonic passage ( such as might occur in an orchestral fugue , for instance ) .
14 He reminded those who felt such concern that " since the war , Japan has dedicated itself to a purely defensive posture under our peace constitution and vowed never again to become a military power such as might pose a threat to other countries " .
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