Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] a first " in BNC.

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1 This is quite normal for a first treatment , Eileen reassured me , as toxins such as caffeine and E-numbers are eliminated .
2 ‘ John may be mad , but he 'd never buy a horse as hot as that as a first horse for his daughter ! ’
3 Of course , that is n't in the agreement that is already signed , so whether I shall be successful or not , of course we do n't know , but I will do that as a first resort .
4 The fact that three quarters of those prescribed medication thought it to have been very or fairly effective may be thought to vindicate this as a first line approach , but side effects from anticholinergic drugs are common , and important diagnoses ( for example , a neurological condition ) may be delayed .
5 As there may be in excess of 1000 mouth to feed , then it can prove difficult to keep up a constant supply of live foods and the authors have found that dried food is adequate as a first food .
6 In this context the Liberal reforms were acceptable as a first step towards greater , Labour-controlled , changes in the future .
7 Is his J a middle initial or half of a first initial ? ) and K.J. Shine , as well as A.J. Wright , R.J. Scott , P.J. Prichard and N.J. Lenham , so we could have two J sides with no trouble .
8 it is therefore very close to a situation where the learned competence is that of a first language ( in the absence of rule-based knowledge of the second language ) monitoring the creation of a message in the second language from signs which have been acquired .
9 His advice to companies would be to try to make the costs of all types of accidents visible as a first step to targeting prevention , and the obvious way would be to put down the costs on to the already established cost centres within a company .
10 I write to confirm that the Economic Development Committee at their meeting on 5 November approved your application for a loan of £300,000 under the above scheme , on condition that the existing loan is repaid in full , and subject to a first charge in favour of the Council over the whole of your existing and proposed premises at Penicuik .
11 If the property is subject to a first mortgage and is , for instance , to be conveyed from the husband to the wife , subject to a charge being given in favour of the husband to secure a fixed sum , the husband will have to be satisfied with the security of a second charge , notice of which should be served on the first mortgagee .
12 There seems to be nowhere where we could start , no sentence whose meaning is , as it were , self-contained enough to be learnable as a first step towards learning the rest .
13 Some forms of mobile invertebrates like , for example , Cleaner Shrimps , also regularly spawn in the home aquarium and could be ideal for a first attempt at home breeding .
14 She was wearing high-heeled shoes — which is very unusual for a First Spiritualist — and she was smirking at people as if she was at a cocktail party rather than morning service .
15 He succeeded in doing so , but confided afterwards that no single examiner thought me worthy of a first , but when the marks were added up , mine were within a few marks of those who were obviously in the first class , and so my name was added to the list of three others .
16 Familiar with army ways , Curran served in the Indian Army in India , Cyprus , and Italy from 1941 to 1945 before completing his degree in history in 1946 with a first class in part ii and joining the British Broadcasting Corporation as a talks producer in 1947 .
17 The idea of a specially designed dolls ' house for Queen Mary , the wife of King George V , was first conceived in the spring of 1921 by a first cousin of the King , Princess Marie Louise .
18 That 's very good for a first — you have a great feel for it ! ’
19 The company convinced the academics that ‘ equivalent professional experience ’ should be viewed as equal to a first degree .
20 There is also a very fine wooden model of the Duomo , handy for a first look at the roof statuary before the visit .
21 Being in practice is also important for a first flight in a new and unfamiliar type of aircraft .
22 Although the charge carried a maximum penalty of one year 's imprisonment and a $100,000 fine , Barry 's sentence was widely considered to be harsh for a first offence .
23 They include Azabu Group , which plans to sell 60 properties worth around ¥200 billion by the end of June ; Itoman , a trading company which hopes to sell and lease back its Osaka headquarters for ¥80 billion as a first step towards paying off its debt of ¥1.3 trillion , much of it owed to Sumitomo Bank ; and MDI , which wants to unload ¥50 billion out of ¥150 billion worth of residential property that it holds for development .
24 These trends are also confirmed in the Guardian 's ‘ People At Work Survey ’ which found that some 49 per cent of those with a GCE/CSE qualification would consider moving to take up their next job , 59 per cent of those with a first degree and 74 per cent of those with a doctorate would do so .
25 ( He says ; You can get quite apprehensive on a first jump for the team )
26 Though not absolutely essential for a first draft version of a program , it is very important for later versions to be logically structured and easily readable so that they can be easily understood and modified by the author and others if required .
27 ‘ He 's certainly capable of a first . ’
28 And remember , you will have a wider role to play in the working of your ship , as one of a first aid party , or a member of a gun crew , for instance .
29 There are 30 places available on a first come , first served basis ; the closing date is Friday 15 March .
30 She said grants would be available on a first come , first served basis .
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