Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [Wh adv] an " in BNC.

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1 So far in each case where an error 's been proved , the banks paid back the money overcharged .
2 For example , the assignee may be absolved through the operation of the bankruptcy laws : the classic case where an original lessee may have to pay .
3 In another case where an applicant had been refused any access to accounts , the Commissioner 's assistance resulted in a solicitor 's letter being sent to the union .
4 The Act gives certain powers to the High Court where an application is made for an order for evidence to be obtained in England , and the court is satisfied that the application is made in pursuance of a request issued by or on behalf of a court or tribunal exercising jurisdiction in another part of the United Kingdom or some other country , and that the evidence sought is to be obtained for the purposes of civil proceedings which have either been instituted before the requesting court or whose institution is contemplated .
5 Tower play : The Beautiful People in Baywatch ( Saturday , UTV , 5.40pm ) find themselves in the centre of a hostage drama this week when an escaped prisoner holds Summer and Stephanie .
6 When a length of wire is suspended in a magnetic field , the wire will move at right angles to the magnetic flux whenever an electric current is passed along it .
7 The second reason why an apparent consent or refusal of consent may not be a true consent or refusal is that it may not have been made with reference to the particular circumstances in which it turns out to be relevant .
8 I revised my estimate of the Mother that evening when an elderly man arrived , one of whose arms was in a sling .
9 He walked through the white corridors , past the notice boards with their offers of small rooms and old cars , past the coffee bar where people sat at tables , past a hole in the white floor where an old chair stood sentry over an opened conduit in which a torch shone and a man crawled , and as he left he looked at his watch :
10 It 's a constant amazement how an apparently harmless piece of rubbish can become an animal 's enemy .
11 But I found a pretty deep hole where an extremely thick weedbed forms a roof over part of it .
12 It is submitted that there is no good reason why an obligation of confidence should not arise if the supplier of the information clearly expresses it to be confidential .
13 Of course , there are often political reasons why this vision can not yet be fully realised but that is all the more reason why an understanding should be pursued .
14 There is , however , a more fundamental reason why an attempt to perceive a structure within a given set of phenomena may fail ; it may be that there actually is no structure there to be perceived in the first place .
15 This commodity is always in short supply and it is hard fought for , especially after a general election when an order of priority has to be set in the legislative programme for fulfilling manifesto and other pledges .
16 But it is not the first case where an Australasian entrepreneur , hailed as a hero when things are going well , has found himself brought to earth with an ignominious bump when the going gets tough .
17 In one case where an ignored warning was followed by the issue of a writ the proceedings resulted in an undertaking to desist .
18 Guinness plays a key role in the Irish economy where an immense contribution is made each year ; for instance , over IR£200 million is spent annually on the wages and salaries bill for its 3,000 employees up and down the country , along with the purchase of home grown raw materials and other requirements for its operations in the Republic .
19 Section 743(5) states that in any case where an individual has for the purposes of s739 power to enjoy income of a person abroad by reason of his receiving a benefit from the trust ( hence giving rise to a tax charge under TA 1988 , s742(2) ( c ) ) , the individual shall be chargeable to income tax under s739 for the year of assessment in which the benefit is received .
20 The wind rarely blows constantly and results can vary depending on whether the wind is increasing or decreasing in speed at the particular moment when an ammeter reading is taken .
21 He must not be asked to perform tasks in any area where an error might jeopardize the success of our forthcoming conference . ’
22 Without the gene's-eye view of life there is no particular reason why an organism should ‘ care ’ about its reproductive success and that of its relatives , rather than , for instance , its own longevity .
23 Over and above general considerations about the desirability of taking history seriously , there is a particular reason why an historical , or at least a diachronic , perspective is appropriate in the present case .
24 Subsection ( 8 ) deals with the special case where an authorised institution is itself a trustee and holds sums which , but for the exclusion in section 5(3) ( a ) , would be a deposit .
25 There was the unforgettable moment when an ‘ operative ’ booted a stalled robot back into action .
26 FORTY-FIVE people were killed last night when an excursion coach careered off a Spanish motorway and plunged down a steep embankment .
27 The first steps were taken last week when an experiment to monitor ‘ machine-readable passports ’ ( MRPs ) was launched at Heathrow airport .
28 That was apparently the case in Cleveland last week when an officer was knocked out by a concrete chunk thrown through a windscreen .
29 However , it sprang to prominence last year when an inventory of its contents revealed that 325 artworks had gone missing .
30 This has resulted in the establishment of a self-insurance scheme whereby an appropriate premium is regularly paid into a special bank account as financial protection against future losses .
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