Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [vb base] [adv prt] " in BNC.

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1 If one of the ordinary 16 O atoms in KNO 3 is replaced by a heavier 18 O atom , all the molecular vibrations involving that atom slow down , changing the IR spectrum .
2 That atom bomb down there , the one that goes tick … tick … tick .
3 Early government line , from Michael Portillo , the Treasury chief secretary , to Widdecombe , was that there was categorically no special help and that price rises would ‘ by the normal route feed through into the retail price index ’ .
4 That money come out of the bank .
5 How , one wonders , can such historic complexity come about ?
6 All you seem to think it 's bloody Halloween come back again .
7 Train driver Graham Lumsden , of Duke Street , Hartlepool , said he was driving the train from Port Clarence to Thornaby and was approaching the North Shore signal box , about a quarter-of-a-mile north of Stockton station , when he saw a dark-haired male dash out from some bushes and place his head on the line .
8 Fig 62 Foot placement variables in the carve gybe : Aim : to make the back quarter of the inside rail dig in and grip .
9 If difficulties of that kind get out of hand , a crisis state develops .
10 Turning the machine over reveals the high and low speed switch on the top .
11 ‘ I 've seen 'em , Gloria , with that Biddy crone down by the warehouses !
12 The snakes and the tardy remedy make up the entirety of God 's response .
13 HIGH-FLYING Tranmere jet off to Italy for their midweek European tie perched on their loftiest ever league placing of second in division one .
14 Never leave anybody in that condition face down .
15 He shot her a suspicious glance , and continued his commentary : ‘ The molten metal is received into that holding furnace down there .
16 According to the underplating model the addition of volcanic rock thickens the crust and the resulting isostatic adjustment leads to the formation of a broad hot-spot swell up to 2000km across and an increase in surface elevation of up to 2000 m .
17 On others she watched a thick brown snake dive down between her legs .
18 So questions of prior sexual experience take on a different meaning and emphasis over time .
19 Only with the plantation of Scottish settlers to Ulster did any profound cultural division grow up in Ireland which remained ideologically Catholic and Gaelic .
20 But I 'd get off at the Meinhof , looking straight ahead and keep on walking and I 'd feel this presence move up beside me .
21 This can find expression in ‘ I must get him to make a will before he dies ’ — a basic desire to get things sorted out — and may extend to attempts to resolve family quarrels , an anxiety that the sun should not in this case go down fur ever on wrath .
22 In this case work out the result before continuing .
23 Not only did Brown Owl go on living at Longreen and being their Brown Owl ; the Pack won an unexpected new friend in Sir George Phillips , who , when he heard how they had saved the plane 's pilot from disaster in the bog , suddenly turned out to be not ‘ crabby ’ at all , as Mr. Gordon had always made him out to be , but told them that they could use the Longreen Park meadow for just as long as they liked as a reward for their bravery .
24 It 's afternoon keep saying that it 's afternoon it 's morning to me this afternoon pick up your phone and give me a ring now O nine O four six four one six four one .
25 I suppose there 's nothing on television this afternoon sit down .
26 Jean 's black curly hair Hew out as they swung round and her cheeks , always so ripe that they looked as though they would bleed at the touch of a straw , reddened more richly than ever .
27 Here are Ju , gi you some money go down and buy you some
28 I have seen some fine players who compete at a high level bring in another line , between the service line and the baseline .
29 A second attempt by Admiral Rodney to attack the transports at Le Havre had found the defences there too strong for his bomb-vessels to get within range , while a storm off Dunkirk had enabled a French squadron shut up in the port to make its escape .
30 Sixthly , how would the possible creation of such a German unity fit in with the Helsinki process , and would it promote a constructive evolution of that process in the direction of ending the division of Europe and progressing toward integrated legal , economic , ecological , cultural , and information environments in Europe ?
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