Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] [adv] [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 We can reveal that UPH only paid the liquidator a 15% deposit ( £660,000 ) and that the balance was not paid until August 1989 , when the so-called European consortium paid over the first part ( approx. £4m ) of their purchase price .
2 The capacity of the fourteen divisions to shoulder this responsibility , and the load placed on each division both varied enormously .
3 He thinks it very important , though , to try to force players to use the same ball , arguing that there would be mayhem on the touchline were that provision not enforced .
4 But that privilege maybe denied to some people because biologically they are not perfect , in the way that other people are not biologically perfect , and I do n't think we can demand the right
5 The gables of this temple were adorned with the huge Gorgon-masks in moulded and painted terracotta already mentioned ( p. 16 ) .
6 But that recession also brought about the improvements in industrial relations which we see today .
7 The 1959 Mental Health Act defined mental disorder as : mental illness ; arrested or incomplete development of mind ; and psychopathic disorder — the last a controversial category further defined as ‘ a persistent disorder or disability of mind … which results in abnormally aggressive or seriously irresponsible conduct … and requires , or is susceptible to medical treatment ’ .
8 Evidence suggests that working class wives were prepared to put up with occasional drinking bouts by their husbands and the physical abuse that sometimes accompanied them rather than lose the economic support normally provided .
9 A used 1980 Squirrel recently sold for £370,000 .
10 They 're the ones that could have been made up from a kit , I always think , each part clearly demarcated ( bill , box-like head , neck ) — a rather angular goose .
11 In 785 Charles ' inflexible attitude and persistent presence finally paid off ; the main nationalist leader , Wittikind , sued for peace and was given his life in exchange for his surrender and baptism .
12 There was one exceptional year that proved the rule : in 1980 , the economic recession so emptied British industry 's order books that firms were able , and keen , to deliver faster than anticipated with embarrassing consequences for the accounting officers in post at the time .
13 and like , and they were going , oh it 's th the funniest play ever written !
14 The case may mark the end of the political protection long enjoyed by the logging companies .
15 I begin at the foot of the column and toil my way up the page to find each story unedifyingly summarized in inch-high type .
16 Let us say that we have gone to see the Parthenon in particular , reputedly the greatest building ever conceived by man .
17 Although the round table voted to oppose foreign participation in the campaign for the March 18 election , West German party political support rapidly assumed a high profile .
18 As a consequence , the eubacterial rooting previously obtained from ATPase evolution is inconsistent as it was based on phylogenetic trees in which these two paralogous families were mixed in single trees .
19 If you read it , you read a clear , if unintended , exposition of why socialism is the most idiotic political creed ever taken seriously , and you could also discern a genuine , if sentimental , belief in the capacities of the people Labour was formed to represent , the British working class .
20 The instruments appear easy to use , working on the one-function-per-button principle , with each function clearly marked on the display .
21 He had taken a lot of trouble with his appearance this morning , Briant noticed , his heavy gray hair carefully slicked across his head , his knitted red tie carefully arranged against the collar of his pink shirt .
22 Meredith averted her eyes from the breadth of muscular chest sharply defined beneath the crisp linen shirt by the movement .
23 In the past we maintained a central pool of expertise — a flying squad — available to help out on regionally based projects ; now the regions have that expertise permanently assigned to them .
24 The second part of the chapter comprises a narrowing of the focus from arts education in general , to one area in particular , namely English lessons and the fictional literature typically offered to whole classes of pupils in the lower years of secondary schools ; the ‘ class reader ’ .
25 Almost three-quarters of city residents felt that their neighbourhood was a good or excellent place to live , whilst around two-thirds felt strongly attached to their neighbourhood ( Ahlbrandt and Cunningham , 1980 ) .
26 He had in his pocket the key to an office where 5,000 match programmes , a historic souvenir eagerly sought , were stacked .
27 United 's finest hour evidently enjoyed by the man who 'd rescued the ailing club 4 years earlier .
28 After several hours of futile combat , in which the Norman minstrel Taillefer perished in a glorious suicide ride and the knights were unable to smash the fyrd 's defensive rings , the battle turned , the Saxon ranks broke line under their own enthusiasm rather than the Norman ruse always reported , and Harold was eventually mortally wounded by the repeated rain of arrows which , lacking sufficient archers , the English were unable to return .
29 Peter Archer QC , the former Attorney-General , argued that : ‘ I do not believe that Parliament ever decided , on the merits , to retain capital punishment for treason and piracy . ’
30 In my view these characteristics serve only to require the court to be more than ever cautious before concluding that Parliament really intended to exclude one of the immunities which I have listed ; and as I have suggested , the words of the Act of 1987 admit of no doubt .
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