Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] some time " in BNC.

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1 ‘ A number of invitations have been outstanding for some time , and people just chose to take them up at this stage , ’ one said .
2 Chameleon , for example , has been available in English , German , Danish , Portuguese and Spanish for some time , and has recently added Czech and Polish language versions .
3 Then again , another election was not due for some time , the FDP remained loyal to the coalition and Brandt 's international reputation stood high .
4 It has been possible for some time to cruise down the Nile , or stay in some of the jewelled and painted palaces of Moghul India , or walk along the Great Wall of China .
5 ‘ That has been possible for some time .
6 For National Certificate modules it has been possible for some time to approve alternative outcomes , under certain circumstances , for students with special needs of all kinds .
7 Needless to say she has to take life as quietly as possible for some time if she is to regain her health and everyone will be pleased to know she is making good progress along these lines .
8 ‘ He wo n't be very mobile for some time , ’ she said .
9 While some detectors may run as normal for some time on cheap batteries , in other cases battery life will be ridiculously short leading the operator to conclude that a detector malfunction has occurred .
10 He became very depressed for some time before he could reassess himself , start to use his considerable abilities and begin courting his wife again .
11 If a teenager has been feeling acutely depressed for some time , then it may only take a trigger such as exams , to tip her over the edge ( suicide is the third most common cause of death among the under 25s , and the peak months are April to July ) .
12 She has been depressed for some time .
13 Rumours of cutbacks at the factory have been rife for some time .
14 It stands in the open and can be left unused for some time and is then required in a hurry !
15 It stood unused for some time and was burnt down by vandals in 1970 .
16 She grimaced as her voice , unused for some time by the sound of it , came out in hoarse , rusty spurts .
17 This hour , before the heat began to build up , was the best time of day to be out of doors , and since her mistress would be asleep for some time yet she was free to go as she pleased .
18 He had been asleep for some time , physically exhausted after his ordeal , but now he tossed and turned , held fast in the grip of some awful nightmare .
19 ‘ The nurse tells me she 's been asleep for some time . ’
20 Right now , the Howards are just grateful for some time to themselves .
21 Trade-union membership remained low for some time , affected by unemployment and by the movement of industry to less highly unionized areas in the South of England .
22 His friend and doctor , Dr James Mortimer , said that Sir Charles ' heart had been weak for some time .
23 ‘ He 's been … strange for some time .
24 Olivetti says it does n't expect its newest machine , MIPS ' ARCsystems or the rest of the ACE consortium 's MIPS offerings to have any real impact on the market for the next two or three years , leaving Intel Corp 's dynasty intact for some time to come .
25 ‘ The beauty and interesting nature of this little bird ’ , Gould wrote , ‘ naturally made me anxious to bring home living examples ; I accordingly captured about twenty fully fledged birds , and kept them alive for some time ; but the difficulties necessarily attendant upon travelling in a new country rendering it impracticable to afford them the attention they required , I regret to say the whole were lost . ’
26 Of claims that the relationship was one of passionate intimacy , the brigadier said : ‘ They have been suggesting that for some time .
27 ‘ The consequence has been that for some time , by mutual agreement , we have led more separate lives . ’
28 ‘ The public has known that for some time . ’
29 SCO 's development partner DEC will have to soldier on alone , if it has not been doing just that for some time ( UX No 364 ) , if it intends to put OSF/1-for-ACE on its MIPS R4000 machines .
30 I 've seen that for some time .
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