Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] all [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 No political decision … can be right for all time .
2 The ‘ real ’ is a sub-set of the possible for all language users .
3 The huge quantity of works which are the responsibility of the Soprintendenza means that it is not possible for all restoration campaigns to be carried out by in-house staff .
4 First , I saw that she was chosen , and that for all time ‘ all generations will call [ her ] blessed ’ ( Luke 1.48 ) .
5 It is usual for all salami to be sliced very finely .
6 ‘ There was something subduing in the influence of that silent and solemn and awful presence ( the Jungfrau ) … one had the sense of being under the brooding contemplation of spirit , not an inert mass of rocks and ice — a spirit which had looked down , through the slow drift of ages , upon a million vanished races of men , and judged them ; and would judge a million more — and still be there , watching , unchanged and unchangeable after all life should be gone and the earth had become a vacant desolation . ’
7 Erm I 've also received information on conference accommodation and on the billboards but I 've billed those as separate items so that you do n't listen to me half off all evening .
8 He added that in today 's difficult economic climate it was so encouraging to see a local company expanding its facilities and particularly for production of the newest type of dried pet food which has made life so much easier for all cat and dog owners .
9 In the seventies life was rosy for all trade unions and everyone within the organization felt secure .
10 Its symbolism may or may not be universal for all mankind , or for all within one culture , but enough dream material is common for others to be interested and gripped by a person who recounts his dreams .
11 They said cautions were acceptable for all age groups for a wide range of unspecified offences .
12 I 've been trying to vacuum this through all morning I have n't even done it
13 The American ambassador sent his CIA station chief to ask Walters what he was really doing in Morocco at this of all time Walters insisted that his visit had nothing to do with the Shah .
14 To Michele , who had risen to his feet , his dark face wiped clear of all expression , she said in rapid Italian , ‘ Do you think it 's wise to antagonise our young friend ?
15 He and Mallachy , between themselves , called her the Wee Green Patriot , but steered clear of all argument on the subject .
16 Art Zoyd 's score adds an extra eerie dimension — unsafe and arousing — to one of the most poetic of all horror films : Murnau 's Nosferatu .
17 A nice gimmick ; but read this trilogy immediately after an in depth study of quantum theory and you find that it represents possibly the most scientific of all science fiction novels .
18 A spokesman for Cadbury Schweppes , which makes about half of all Easter eggs , said people wanted eye-catching eggs .
19 Half of all sewage sludge produced in Britain is spread on farmland .
20 The use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides is responsible for over half of all water pollution in the US .
21 Over half of all pensioner income comes from social security .
22 Taking all recent purchases into account , credit now finances about two-thirds of cars and over half of domestic appliances , TVs , stereos etc. bought ; nearly half of all home improvements , furniture and home furnishings ; and one-third or more of hobby items or jewellery , clothes , toys or presents .
23 Those aged 65 + account for approximately half of all expenditure on the NHS .
24 To some extent , it broke new ground by placing emphasis on organic wastes , such as food scraps and garden litter , which make up over half of all household waste .
25 Half of all animal extinctions have occurred this century and it is believed that another one million species could be lost by the year 2000 , which works out at over 270 extinctions every day for the next ten years .
26 Half of all Cystitis attacks are caused by bacterial infections
27 In Britain , closed shop arrangements currently extend to just 20% of all employees , under half of all union members .
28 It was estimated that the yakuza consisted of some 3,300 separate gangs , although the three largest organizations — the Yamagushi-gumi , the Inagawa-kai and the Sumiyoshi-kai — were responsible for almost half of all activity by the gangs .
29 In November 1990 Treuhand stated that half of all land and property had claims entered against it by former owners .
30 Just under half of all university students ( excluding OU students ) live in colleges , halls of residence , or other accommodation provided by their university ; another third live in lodgings or privately rented accommodation ; and the rest live at home .
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