Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] up the " in BNC.

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1 ‘ After that scramble up the cliff ?
2 It is best reached by continuing along the road , now unenclosed , until near Leck Fell House when a steep scramble up the hillside ends in the company of the three massive cairns that will have plagued the curiosity since they first came in sight earlier .
3 We take our seats half way up the stalls .
4 In fact , Capital Radio is only half way up the tower .
5 The radio keeps telling you that the eye of the hurricane is here or there , getting near anyway , and you try to figure whether to leave the windows open a crack or tape them and you remember that the highest point of Key West is only 16 feet above sea level , and how the great hurricane of 1936 caught a train half way up the Keys filled with refugees from Key West and drowned them all , and you can get nervous .
6 As I said , I was almost half way up the front before I realised that between knitting the back and starting the front I 'd had a teaching session .
7 All my notions — notions of good or evil , of pleasant and unpleasant , of funny and serious , of ugly and beautiful are essentially middle class notions ; my taste in books and food and clothes , my sense of honour , my table manners , my turns of speech , my accent , even the characteristic movements of my body , are the products of a special kind of upbringing and a special niche half way up the social hierarchy … to get outside the class racket I have got to suppress not merely my private snobbishness , but most of my other tastes and prejudices as well .
8 The border to Finland is half way up the 30-mile ( 48km ) long canal and the canal office is at the eighth of the nine locks .
9 This time the hoof caught me half way up the shin bone , She had n't been able to get so much height into it but it was just as painful .
10 Mrs Grogan had seen a man half way up the sycamore tree in the Connons ' front garden .
11 In one bound he had left his seat and was half way up the ladder ; I was close behind .
12 But Nenna , somewhat to the curate 's surprise , for he seldom felt himself to be a truly welcome guest , was already half way up the companion .
13 It had come half way up the bunk , and nearly as far as Willis 's blankets .
14 Fix around the rocket with royal icing : one at the base , one half way up the main part of the body , and one at the very top .
15 Chairman Judith Billingham said yesterday : ‘ Wales is one of the highest drinking regions of the UK and about half way up the league table for Europe .
16 It squealed and dashed unhurt into the corn , and she trotted her st'lyan back up the road again , laughing .
17 Many a time they had drunk thus together , as boys , as youths , as men , and come out under the same starlit sky to walk beside each other up the familiar High Street where every house was a landmark and every face part of a shared history .
18 They have followed each other up the ladder , but whenever he has reached the same rung she has gone one better .
19 Our personalities are different , and we rub each other up the wrong way almost immediately .
20 The snow improved as the slope steepened and I made good time up the 100 metres to the ridge top and along to the ‘ summit ’ .
21 Small back streets run higgledy-piggledy back up the hill from the golden , sandy beach and the main prom , and these contain a jumble of small bars , Spanish and seafood restaurants , Bodegas with wine barrels stretching from floor to ceiling , and wonderful shops selling leather , shoes and denim at remarkable prices .
22 The next step up the range is the Tobago or TB10 which is a stylish fixed gear touring aircraft .
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