Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] why an " in BNC.

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1 The second reason why an apparent consent or refusal of consent may not be a true consent or refusal is that it may not have been made with reference to the particular circumstances in which it turns out to be relevant .
2 It is submitted that there is no good reason why an obligation of confidence should not arise if the supplier of the information clearly expresses it to be confidential .
3 Of course , there are often political reasons why this vision can not yet be fully realised but that is all the more reason why an understanding should be pursued .
4 There is , however , a more fundamental reason why an attempt to perceive a structure within a given set of phenomena may fail ; it may be that there actually is no structure there to be perceived in the first place .
5 Without the gene's-eye view of life there is no particular reason why an organism should ‘ care ’ about its reproductive success and that of its relatives , rather than , for instance , its own longevity .
6 Over and above general considerations about the desirability of taking history seriously , there is a particular reason why an historical , or at least a diachronic , perspective is appropriate in the present case .
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