Example sentences of "[adj] [noun sg] come over " in BNC.

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1 This fella came over in an 18–30 steward 's blazer and he said , ‘ You 're responsible for me working here ’ .
2 It was too far for the old lady to come over .
3 old ferry coming over from erm Harwich to the Hook of Holland .
4 ‘ The Warden was just telling me all the details when this policeman come over , wanted to talk to 'im .
5 Helped by Vladimir Riha 's reedy , unhoneyed tone , this performance comes over with irresistible rustic pungency and vigour as if in the open air rather than the Beaux Arts ' drawingroom .
6 He had reluctantly agreed " to let the old man come over " .
7 TELEVISION viewers waiting for the result of the 3.10 race at Doncaster last Wednesday heard director Bob Gardam called Lord Howard d'Warden an ‘ Old Fart ’ after his lordship wandered in front of the camera and Mr Gardam thinking he was safe in the privacy of the TV scanner , for some reason came over loud and clear on the course 's PA system .
8 It was a German plane coming over .
9 ’ ‘ It 's funny to think that just this afternoon I had the idea of getting poor old Eddy to come over to the Gates and tell me something about himself …
10 Erm I mean maybe they have n't had very much , but erm but in , in a sense there 's a sort of huge commitment on their part to that , because they actually , I remember some chap came over to do the talk and I think he 's got four kids and he said , well you know , I did n't know how my kids were going to react to people fine you know
11 A serious look came over his face .
12 An answering cheer came over to them , thin but prolonged .
13 Moments of self-doubt , fear , determination and rapid planning come over as pauses in an extremely close , tense account of the measures taken by Dick and his crew to cut wreckage clear and get the ship under control .
14 One bedraggled , beaten-up man comes over to warn us .
15 The amount of time and energy staff need to spend in communicating ( and sometimes miscommunicating ) with each other comes over very strongly , and one can see how easily misunderstanding , resentment or perhaps even hostility can develop when individuals work in close proximity under pressure , even where channels of communication may seem open and well defined .
16 ‘ As my hand located what it sought , a dreamy and eerie expression came over your childish features .
17 A look of despair , of righteous anger came over his face .
18 I mean , look at me , I were going down Dunscroft there , you know at top of and er I 'm just driving in along and this bloody dog come over
19 ‘ Luke ! ’ he echoed , a puzzled look coming over his face .
20 The confusing and contradictory nature of the medical evidence comes over even more clearly when one examines the findings of the later waves of evacuation , for in these the Board of Education and Ministry of Health , anxious not to repeat their mistakes of September 1939 , did intervene more actively .
21 by no means all members of the revolutionary intelligentsia came over to — or , as Lenin put it , were ‘ taken by ’ — the proletariat .
22 I thought Trevor was actually going to hit him , but the first assistant came over and courageously tore a strip off Brynner .
23 As the old pensioner listened to the song , which was now accompanied by the ringing of bells , Fleury saw an expression of tender devotion come over his lined face , and he , too , thought , as the Collector had thought some weeks earlier in the tiger house , what a lot of Indian life was unavailable to the Englishman who came equipped with his own religion and habits .
24 My heart and stomach seemed to collide as I heard a rapid panting noise come over the phone behind Eric 's muttering .
25 Big storm come over from Other Side , maybe hope drive us away .
26 The inflamed four-piece come over all fiery and explosive , fuelled by belligerent tracks like next single ‘ Monster ’ and encore-opener ‘ Shitlist ’ ( a universally appealing piece of spite ) .
27 Alejandro Mayta the revolutionary theorist who heads for the hills in the hope of joining a mass uprising comes over finally as a misguided almost pathetic figure .
28 Great big thing like a huge balloon and lived out at Ness and I mind me mother coming and getting us early and this great big thing come over .
29 On the cover Horowitz himself beams at us like a naughty gnome , and that is just the way his irrepressible musical personality comes over in the performances .
30 The other girl came over immediately .
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