Example sentences of "[verb] made [noun pl] for " in BNC.

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1 President Yeltsin has made proposals for handling this problem , and we have offered our help as part of an international effort .
2 Wilkinson has made inquiries for three full-backs without success .
3 Wilkinson has made inquiries for three full-backs without success .
4 However , unlike Jess , who has made headlines for all the right reasons this season , Ferguson 's off-the-field activities have generated more publicity than his performances on the pitch .
5 No candidate may leave his place until an invigilator has made arrangements for the collection of his script .
6 FC Copenhagen coach Benny Johannsen has made arrangements for his side to fly into Belfast next Tuesday .
7 Finnegan has made arrangements for his wife 's income to cover those outstanding debts .
8 Everyone has made gifts for all others present , and these normally come with a little poem from ‘ Sinterklaas ’ himself .
9 Those who remained , once she 'd made allowances for the ways they described themselves , fell broadly within the category of Ugly but Eager .
10 The Pools had closed down and Eileen and Joe were unemployed but Littlewood 's had made arrangements for their staff to sign on for unemployment pay at the Edge Lane office .
11 Having made requests for proposals , the museum chose DEC for its ‘ global approach ’ to the research project , said Roland Schaer , director of the museum 's cultural service .
12 He died in 1753 , in his ninety-third year , having made arrangements for his great collections , valued at £80,000 , to be left to the nation , on the condition that £20,000 be paid to his daughters .
13 They might have made arrangements for Gill 's birthday .
14 Miss Macdonald , I thought , would probably know about Andrew Stavanger 's dentist — she might well have made appointments for him in the past .
15 Given that the group is expected to have made profits for the current year , the net assets will be higher than at the last account date and as the company is being purchased on a multiple of earnings we should consider stripping out the excess assets .
16 Well he said , Alright , he said , I 've made arrangements for your baggage to be picked up and you 'll stay with me in New Rochelle , and he was going away and he slipped me ten bucks cos I only had ten pounds money .
17 ‘ Yes , and I hope you 're going to approve , because I 've made arrangements for them to come and stay here .
18 Sometimes he would revert to a previous journey to a particular spot and described his personal experiences of several years before as in Vol I , pp. 111–113 when he describes how he had made sketches for plate Nos. 46 , 47 and 49 of Sixty Large Etchings .
19 Irene had made scones for tea .
20 The company had made proposals for a coal gasification plant which it claims would be far more environment-friendly .
21 She had made provisions for her daughter and was determined to get away from the life of a single mother in a small town .
22 He explained that they had made plans for the evening and politely invited Modigliani to join them .
23 He revealed that he had made bids for reinforcements and reaffirmed that his major target was Manchester United outcast , Neil Webb .
24 ( The ‘ also ’ refers to the fact that the magistrates had made rules for the county gaol close by . )
25 Bigger figures — industrialists who had made weapons for Germany — were tried later at highly publicised hearings .
26 And , with that end in view , Ross had made arrangements for their immediate departure for Australia .
27 Mr Walker said : ‘ Tyne Tees wanted a different starting time in order to show highlights during or after the European game but by that time Boro had made arrangements for policing and so on and they refused the request .
28 It is still not clear whether Ms Gibson believed she had made arrangements for Gemma to be looked after while she was away .
29 They have made proposals for a station which are unattached to any proposals for a means of getting there .
30 Olson , for instance , does admit at one point that all we can really be sure of is that some academics have made claims for objectivity while the question of assessing those claims is a different matter :
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