Example sentences of "[verb] man [unc] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their Kipling characteristics would surely have immediately attracted man 's attention , and he would soon have thought up other ways of increasing the frequency of such useful animals .
2 Even although Christ redeems man 's crime against God , the eating of the apple , his sacrifice is not highlighted by Milton nearly as much as Satan 's heroic undertaking of the perilous journey through Chaos to Earth .
3 It was a period of remarkable intellectual illumination ; a time when a new idealism and optimism transformed man 's understanding of himself , his society and the universe .
4 By John Roman Baker , comprising Crying Celibate Tears , The Ice Pick and Freedom to Party , these award-winning plays explore man 's relation to man in a time of crisis , where the war against the HIV virus is at is fiercest .
5 Rolle is emphatic that " ryghtwysnes " is not in the discipline itself , but it is the fruit of it , a state of inner freedom untouched by the constraints of outward circumstances : He recognises that the will to effect such inner effort has to be awakened — drawn — that it is the response to goodness in men and in Christ , and to the joy of heaven , which starts to work man 's salvation .
6 As Cookson has noted , in this sense Christianity fitted man 's propensities and the revelation afforded by the Bible complemented man 's reason and his progressive moral inclinations .
7 She characteristically underplays her education , intellect , and talent as a ‘ weaker Woman ’ , but her religious rationalization of women 's intellectual and social position in relation to men has a rather bitter tone : ‘ Eve 's Theft serv 'd but to dignify Man 's Soul , /Her Sex denied the Knowledge which she stole . ’
8 ‘ Only a relatively small part of this literature has stressed man 's role as a geomorphic agent , exerting a notable effect on the earth 's crust .
9 Bentham arrived at it via his belief in the universality of reason and hence the possibility of correctly socialising man 's instinct for pleasure ; Howard by his belief in original sin , guilt and the possibility of awakening man 's consciousness of sin .
10 Whereas for most Greeks and Romans , whether they believed in cycles or not , the dominant aspects of time were the present and the past , Christianity directed man 's attention to the future .
11 Between the wars the idea of modern architecture was a heroic adventure which could actually improve man 's condition .
12 ‘ Only if you promise not to talk Man 's Talk when I 'm in the kitchen making gagging noises so that you think I 've got an Espresso machine , ’ said Sorrel , eyeing him suspiciously .
13 He sent his own Son in human flesh , identical with us except for sin , and he condemned man 's sinfulness in Christ 's person , hanging upon the cross , as a sin-offering for us .
14 Turning to what she called ‘ the heart of the matter ’ , the Prime Minister said : ‘ Remove man 's freedom and you dwarf the individual , you devalue his conscience and you demoralise him . ’
15 Within , tied together with a red ribbon , were about three dozen etched and painted wooden sticks of varying length , the longest being the size of a grown man 's finger , the shortest the size of a child 's .
16 Perhaps the greatest problem with hypnotism concerns man 's ignorance .
17 And you 've also got man 's desire to be sure of achieving success .
18 There is nothing in between to impede man 's absorption of this natural beauty — no smog , no skyscrapers , no big city pressures to cloud the mind .
19 He was now a mere ten feet above the urinating man 's head .
20 Freud also considered the view of communists , that it is the institution of private property which has corrupted man 's nature , but that man is basically co-operative and good : people could be naturally well-disposed towards their neighbours if only private property was abolished .
21 The approach which they employed was by using hard systems which are capable of specification , analysis and manipulation in a more or less rigorous and quantitative manner ; soft systems which are not tractable by mathematical methods ; by exploring examples ; and by combining interdisciplinary approaches by reviewing the dilemmas which confront man 's intervention in natural systems .
22 But the point to notice is that a key part of humanist thought , from the early Greeks down to the twentieth century , is the attempt to justify man 's knowledge by his reason alone , denying the necessity of faith in general and God 's revelation in particular .
23 So many will take advice and consult and spend themselves in getting man 's opinion without hearing God .
24 Religion reflects man 's desire to be the God he imagines .
25 The NEA continued to make the headlines with equally controversial grants , including a panel-proposed award , later rejected by Frohnmayer , to performance-artist Karen Finley , who in one of her acts smears her scantily-clad body with chocolate to symbolise man 's inhumanity to woman .
26 Much in the Bible exists to expose man 's tendency to make religion suit his own pleasure , or ( as might be said ) match what he finds " helpful " .
27 Does it not presuppose man 's progress from primitive to sophisticated ways of life , and does it not suggest on the basis of a progressive increase of ahi sā a movement from a less good to a better form of life ?
28 But in Britain we equate acknowledging man 's need for instant sex with approving of it , and rather than have that levelled at us , we reject the idea of licensed brothels .
29 There may indeed be something in the Professore 's argument that the major fault of Marxism was to over-estimate man 's capacity for altruism , for purity , for in tellectual-philosophic sustenance .
30 He believed that the sexuality of man , unlike any other animal , developed in two waves and this could explain man 's susceptibility to neuroses .
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