Example sentences of "[verb] us on the " in BNC.

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1 Can you assist us on the approach which you have adopted in terms not only of greenbelt function , but of the need for a strategic reserve ?
2 An early start the next morning found us on the ferry bound to the island of Santorini , around 112 kilometres to the north of Crete .
3 Kozyrev highlighted the spirit of co-operation between the two sides : " We worked as friends and allies standing on one side of the barricade of all the problems that beset us on the other . "
4 Often the wonderful natural natural story-teller in Walker breaks through the marshmallow and has us on the edge of the chair , but finally and lamentably this is a failure .
5 Stewart joins us on the line now good morning Mr .
6 You caught us on the hop there , ol' buddy .
7 GUIL : He caught us on the wrong foot once or twice , perhaps , but I thought we gained some ground .
8 He overtook us on the river and arrived ahead of me .
9 ‘ Look here : that was in broad daylight over a single strand of wire , not under fire from any machine guns , and with no patrolling goon with a gun to meet us on the other side .
10 It 's incredibly kind of you to meet us on the offchance .
11 And you 'll be pleased to know that Frank Dobson has agreed to meet us on the fourteenth of June and we will make sure , to the best of our effort , that that policy will be endorsed .
12 He was just doing the ‘ Hunky Dory ’ album but we did n't know that , Anyway , we got in touch with The Country Club and they put us on the guest list and Cherry Vanilla , Wayne County and I , posing as journalists , went along to see him .
13 ‘ Say , this is great for Tollemarche — really put us on the map . ’
14 ‘ You put us on the back burner-you 'll deal with it next week , next month — you 'll do that until you retire ! ’
15 Er it erm er the result was that you was really working flat out all the summer , and then as the winter advanced , you got very short of work , and they put us on the dole , for half a week .
16 Put us on the map .
17 Observations from the only two grammarians to comment on this aspect of the meaning of let ( Cotte 1982b and Mittwoch 1990 ) put us on the trail of the explanation .
18 My friend 's friend advised us on the best solicitors for a rape case , but warned that the final bill might be enough to buy a flat in Mayfair .
19 Please support us on the hot-line , in hope .
20 Typical of Geoff 's talent was the opening goal he scored to set us on the way to a Wembley victory over Everton in the Zenith Data Systems Cup Final in April 1991 , cleaving his way though The Toffees ' defence to head home from a corner and , perhaps partly because of Palace 's and Geoff 's success at Wembley , he was awarded his first full International cap when England travelled to Turkey for the European Nations Championship tie on May Day 1991 .
21 Fortunately , in this series of articles we will use more conventional maps to set us on the treasure trail , because it is my belief that correctly interpreted , the Ordnance Survey maps of the British Isles already contain most of the information necessary to track down some of the treasures that time has so cunningly concealed !
22 Fiona told us on the way to the races that the police had phoned Harry to say they 'd found his car in the station car park at Reading .
23 Surrounding us on the beach were a large number of French civilians who had come down to the beach to look at the British Tommies .
24 ‘ All political figures are mad , ’ said Reid as he joined us on the veranda .
25 The fat Corporal had accompanied us to Lille station , bought us all a beer , and joined us on the train .
26 ‘ That 's all very well , but Chamberlain 's only just told us on the wireless that the war 's begun . ’
27 We both decided that we needed more detector users to help us on the day , so John contacted members of the Shropshire Antiquities Group , who were more than willing to lend a helping hand .
28 Sunday morning sees us on the way to one of the prettiest corners of the state of Vermont to visit top breeder 's herd VT Pond View .
29 And you 're going to put us on the top , Niki .
30 Max told me that Smith would meet us on the following Monday , which would have meant waiting around for five days .
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