Example sentences of "[verb] where we [verb] " in BNC.

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1 We may need to grieve when we leave places where we have been happy and even places where we have been unhappy , like prisons or boarding schools .
2 YOU have a chance to alter the top line ( membership ) , if not you , as members , can look at the expenditure sheet and suggest where we start making cuts .
3 done this agenda where she wants where we need to discuss allocation of non-national accounts , national accounts , regional accounts , special offers , plans for nineteen ninety
4 He put a copy of the timetable into my hands and said , ‘ You will need to know where we stop .
5 ‘ But I 'd just like to know where we stand . ’
6 The Spirit means us to know where we stand ( I John 3:24 ; 5:13 ) and the Epistle is at pains to point out various signs which give confidence to true believers , while breaking down false assurance .
7 If we knew what price were at then it would give me more er confidence to know where we stand and how to go about it .
8 To know where we stand .
9 You know people say , I like to know where we stand .
10 ( An unavoidable mistake , for the public were entitled to know where we stood . )
11 We wanted to know where we stood .
12 Yeah I 'm going to getting the stamps off these en envelopes cos I have to put all these in a hurry in the end , also got loads of time , then I realised it was half past ten , no wonder I did n't get anything at home forgotten where we keep them
13 Therefore Congress , we must call on the C E C to answer the confusion in plain English , so that I , and I 'm sure many other of our members , can understand in the form of a document circulated to the branches so that we can go forward into the future at least understanding where we fit into our own union .
14 I know , I know that kind , I know that road do you know where we went me and my husband always , Porthmadog
15 ‘ I just do n't know where we go from here , ’ said Castle .
16 Kinnear moaned : ‘ I do n't know where we go from here .
17 a good team of people in the Shadow Cabinet , do we have an excellent team i people in the parliamentary Labour Party , do we know where we 've come from , and do no we know where we 're going , and we do .
18 My sister and I had a hazy idea that he sold rabbit skins from a sort of tray suspended from his neck — but as he was always beautifully neat and clean I do n't know where we got this idea from .
19 I think so because I do n't know where we got
20 I could if I just pick up one other point about you know , like the the non-standard times , or the non-standard occasions when we do fire evacuations currently er , I do n't know where we think the fire is but we all troop out via our normal fire exits and to our normal assembly ports erm , it maybe men , maybe an idea to do some fire evacuations where we stayed where the fire actually was and people have got to take other other routes to evacuate the building .
21 We will know where we have gone …
22 Let me say this to Labour Members : if for one moment they feel uneasy about the document , let us have the alternative that they have tabled ; let us know where we stand .
23 That 's what the CBI and the Department of Trade and Industry are anxious for us to do and , if we do n't like what we find , we will know where we stand .
24 We must start to define where we expect genuine refugees to come from .
25 We shall use suffix notation , in which a vector X in Cartesian coordinates is written where we assume i can take values 1 , 2 or 3 .
26 ‘ So let's just see where we 've got to .
27 Right , let's summarize where we 've got to , and what you 're going to be doing .
28 Yeah , ca n't remember where we went .
29 Do you remember where we picked those blackberries up by the railway line ?
30 Ooh no I ca n't , I can remember where we bought it , we bought it in Hillsham and we paid about two hundred pounds for it , I know , erm , what was I saying ?
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