Example sentences of "[verb] through the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Maybe I 'm just being traditional in my tastes ; it is probably important to watch the compilation in small doses and not sit through the whole three hours as I did .
2 The producers of public expenditure have helped increase public spending since the competition for votes has led politicians to promise more and more spending ; moreover , since governments come into office with a vast amount of spending commitments inherited from previous governments , their ability to reduce these commitments substantially is limited through the length of time that would be required to make such reductions , and further , they are unlikely to court unpopularity through doing so .
3 It is the older wife in a divorce case , who has no recent contact with the labour market or a poor earning capacity , who has sometimes much to lose through the ending of her marriage .
4 Both had much to win and to lose through the action .
5 We can imagine animals like these darting through the undergrowth in search of food while the colossal reptiles lumbered obliviously around them .
6 While eating we watched a variety of cheeky small birds darting through the restaurant , picking up tasty crumbs of freshly baked bread and croissants or dipping their long narrow beaks around the lid of the sugar bowl when the waiters were n't looking .
7 Whatever the specific features of the occupations chosen for study , samples tend uniformly to be male , or mostly male : this fact is hidden through the use of titles which purport to be describing work in general and the worker irrespective of gender .
8 1 ‘ The way that the subject is taught through the life of the school e.g. health habits , games , school government and self help in building and decorating etc. 2 ‘ The way that the subject taught in school can be related to life in the community , e.g. community health , social service , home vegetable plots etc .
9 It may be suggested that we were inconsistent , or even guilty of unreasonable discrimination , in that we insisted on assessment in English in England for pupils whose mother tongue is not English , whereas in Wales we recommended that pupils being taught through the medium of Welsh be exempted from the key stage 1 attainment targets , programmes of study and assessment .
10 The new structure ‘ can ’ is taught through the context of a picture puzzle
11 Piecemeal drainage and reclamation in the Cambridgeshire fens , carried out by Saxon farmers around Wisbech and Elm , have been traced through the detective work of archaeologists , using aerial photography and careful analysis of the evidence on the ground .
12 as a linear , uni-directional , push-and-pull , cause-effect movement but as a circular , interdependent , progressively complex , and self-modifying system in which the effect of changes in one part can be traced through the whole of the system
13 She squelched through the mud at a half-trot and hoped with all her heart that someone , after all this agony , would be in ; a kind , exceptionally friendly family would be nice ; the elder son could be a brilliant mechanic and would mend her jeep with the proverbial wave of his spanner , the mother could be a fantastic cook .
14 oh and I 've made a big rug at the centre , which I shall have home before Christmas , a big woollen rug I 've made , yes so , oh it 's a beautiful rug it 's with those er silver thing you push through the hole on the canvas
15 It looks an exquisite mess , but push through the vegetation bordering the path and the undergrowth clears .
16 The difficulty of all this work is trebled through the face that the Office can not say " go and he goes , and come and he comes " as in a factory .
17 On a final , poignant note , I notice a large arrow sticking through the front and rear of the house .
18 ‘ Mind the swings , ’ shrieks Preston as his charges finally reach their goal and narrowly escape decapitation by one , propelled through the air by a boy who is old enough to be banned , or , if he is not , should be .
19 Willy was propelled through the windscreen onto the wall : that 's how he incurred such nasty head injuries .
20 The drug comes in a powder which is propelled through the skin using compressed gas .
21 I know nothing about radio — but I do n't need to , I realize , because , even while I watch , the waves are softly withdrawing from the wavebands , as from a beach at low tide on a calm summer 's afternoon , leaving me gazing through the darkness of my son 's bedroom at three shirts , two of them size 35 long , one of them size 32 medium .
22 ‘ How much longer ? ’ he said irritably , gazing through the windscreen , out across the Thames .
23 Emma looked into her mother 's face , and then making a small movement with her head before turning away and , gazing through the windscreen , she said , ‘ I 'm …
24 One pupil , sitting in the coveted position alongside the radiator , is gazing through the window and into the distance .
25 The handles themselves are most commonly formed of a plain bronze strip , pierced at the end and riveted through the escutcheon or upper binding strip , allowing the handle to swivel .
26 These strange survivals from pre-history the golomianka , were no doubt nosing around the wreck of Old Prince Khilkov 's locomotive which had plunged through the ice eighty years ago .
27 The two biffos would have come sneaking through the door , rubbing their hands and telling themselves they 'd got me by the balls , and I 'd have pointed the extinguisher and put out their fire .
28 ‘ BP expects the recovery factors for Gyda and Ula to be 42 and 50 per cent respectively , but hopes to achieve even better results by using the technology developed through the PROFIT and RUTH programmes . ’
29 How can its innately progressive potentials be contained in a form which has been developed through the operation of the market , and which , in Cutler 's argument , represents a culture completely external to its users , completely hegemonic ( not resistible in present circumstances ) , and having ‘ no need of artistic value … [ having ] become , effectively , an instrument of class oppression ’ ( Cutler 1984 : 291 ) .
30 Whatever a student 's course , employers will seek a combination of intellect , relevant abilities and personal qualities developed through the rigour of academic study and the prudent use of leisure time and vacations .
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