Example sentences of "[verb] given we the " in BNC.

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1 Evolution has given us the Canaletto whose complex city perspectives recede infinitely away and now it is itself seen regressing as
2 Science has given us the technology , but do we have the right to use it ?
3 TELEVISION has given us the dramatised documentary Last week The Sunday Telegraph , in its report ‘ Cambridge blues as Oxford bags title ’ , gave us the dramatised book review .
4 I only wonder why nobody has given us the small print of the Social Chapter that Labour and the Liberal Democrats want so badly .
5 Now Michael White and John Gribbin have given us Stephen Hawking : a Life in Science , or rather Mr White has given us the life and Mr Gribbin the science ; the latter is awash with black holes , white dwarfs , protons , pulsars , quasars and quarks and is therefore no more comprehensible than Brief History ; also , what is one to make of a writer who speaks at one moment of ‘ tiny black holes ’ and the next of ‘ black holes which could eat solar systems for breakfast ’ ?
6 ‘ He has given us the feeling that we could not have been better prepared , ’ said Hockley after her opening round .
7 The onward march of technological progress has given us the user-friendly sealed cassette , much more difficult to damage or tamper with — or to intervene in ( and to recreate on modern machines ) .
8 In addition EMI has given us the engagingly silly Overture on Hebrew Themes ( Béroff with Michel Portal and the Parrenin Quartet ) and Béroff 's 1981 recording of the Visions fugitives .
9 The East , on the other hand , has given us the long-haired Persian cat from sixteenth-century Iran , the silky Angora cat from Turkey at the same period ( when Ankara was pronounced Angora ) , and the exotic , long-legged Siamese cat from seventeenth-century Thailand .
10 And in so doing he has given us the joyrider 's equivalent of Neil Young 's ‘ Tonight 's The Night ’ , The Pogues ' ‘ Hell 's Ditch ’ and the Stones ' ‘ Exile On Main Street ’ — one of those awful black records to turn to when you 're feeling at your most morbid .
11 But through the Spirit , God has given us the ability to fulfil those requirements .
12 God means us to know that we are in Christ , and has given us the Spirit to assure us .
13 God means us to grow in Christlikeness , and has given us the Spirit to change us .
14 God has given us the Holy Spirit so that He can work in His world .
15 ‘ We are emerging from just about as difficult a period as I can remember in over 37 years in the business , but we are emerging with capital ratios still among the strongest of any of the world 's banks — ready and willing to lend for any viable purpose , and desperate for the chance to show both personal and corporate customers that the personal , flexible , friendly service which we have tried to give in the past and which I hope has given us the privilege of enjoying your company tonight — that same service is still very much on offer today . ’
16 ‘ Your excellent work has given us the answer to that question , Watson .
17 This development has given us the opportunity to organise our business to focus again on the changing needs of our customers .
18 ‘ What matters is that she has given us the most glorious production we have ever had at Hochhauser .
19 ‘ We 've both been working so hard that this break has given us the opportunity for a second honeymoon , ’ he told her smoothly .
20 ‘ The success of the over-haul has given us the incentive to improve the plant systems and procedures even further , ’ added Ian .
21 ‘ Using natural gas has given us the flexibility to run domestic heating from the same boilers , plus leaving the opportunity to heat other outlying areas of the castle at a later stage . ’
22 The exact origins of the ferret can only be guesswork , but either descendants of the polecat line or variations on the resultant interbreeding between stoats and polecats may have given us the ferret we know today .
23 If we 'd have gone for plc status first , then it would have given us the chance to work as a proper company .
24 should have given us the nudge .
25 Should have given us the money , money .
26 ‘ Well , owing to some inexplicable negligence , ’ — he sighed and shook his head — ‘ they seem to have given us the slip . ’
27 ‘ Blessed art Thou , O Lord our God , King of the universe , who hast given us the Law of truth , and hast planted everlasting life in our midst .
28 It 's going through that system , and once they 've given us the go ahead then we can go to the solicitor in Lancaster .
29 He had given us the computer codes to chalk on the outside of the boxes , but you would n't have caught him packing files into the boxes or wrapping them up with pink tape afterwards .
30 All the records we 've sold have given us the power to do whatever we want . ’
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