Example sentences of "[verb] over the two " in BNC.

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1 Gaddafi again held out the possibility of handing over the two men for trial by the Arab League in an Arab country , saying such a solution would be ‘ fine ’ .
2 The UN Security Council on March 31 approved Resolution 748 that if Libya on April 15 had still failed to comply with the UN resolution of Jan. 21 by handing over the two Lockerbie bombing suspects [ see p. 38743 ] , UN member-states would impose mandatory sanctions against Libya .
3 Push the icing down well into the bag , fold over the two corners into the centre and then the top corner over this .
4 The International Court of Justice in The Hague yesterday rejected Col Gaddafi 's request for an injunction to prevent Britain , the United States and France from putting pressure on Libya to hand over the two suspects .
5 Earlier , all three countries dismissed an offer to hand over the two men to Malta .
6 Sanctions , including a ban on air traffic and arms sales and the reduction in Libyan diplomatic representation , went into effect at dawn yesterday with the expiry of a grace period for Col Gaddafi to hand over the two suspected bombers of a Pan Am jumbo jet which exploded over Lockerbie , Scotland , in December 1988 .
7 The sanctions are designed to force Libya to hand over the two Lockerbie suspects and to co-operate in the investigation in a similar case , the mid-air explosion of a French airliner over Africa in 1989 .
8 Libya 's response , presented to the Security Council by UN Secretary-General Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Feb. 12 , refused to hand over the two men , offering instead to try them in Libya .
9 On March 1 the Libyan Secretary for Foreign Affairs , Ibrahim Bishari , said after a meeting in Cairo with the Russian Foreign Minister Andrei Kozyrev that Libya " is ready to hand over the two suspects for trial in front of a neutral court in any neutral country " .
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