Example sentences of "[verb] down and a " in BNC.

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1 Give me a sit down and a good fucking stern talking to .
2 ‘ This is a good place to sit down and a good time to sit , ’ said the Friar , ‘ for judging from the condition of the sun , we should eat a little .
3 Forays had been made at night ; scaffolding had been torn down and a few workers employed in building Carewscourt had been killed .
4 During a mad session I finally made one after two weeks of trying and came down and a guy called Matt said ‘ Yeah you did it at last ’ .
5 However , the assets are written down and a better measure of the true value of the company is the near £600m which the stock market puts on it .
6 Dry cough at night worse ( < ) lying down and a loose cough in the morning .
7 Then Kurt has to shell out a considerable amount of money , maybe $25,000 , for the first class plane seats so that Courtney can fly home lying down and a specially appointed ambulance to pick her up at LA airport .
8 Many tales have been handed down and a great number of myths have been created around his memory .
9 So , if the business in which you work is expanding , but an associated employer 's business slims down and a long-serving employee of that other business is transferred to work for your company , resulting in your dismissal , you may be redundant .
10 The girl 's pink and white candy stripe skirt ( 26 stitches × 15 rows ) was removed on to a length of yarn so that the top could be drawn up and stitched in position around the waist ; the sides and hem of the skirt were then stitched down and a pink bow was added .
11 Even when the Ghorbanifar channel was closed down and a new one found , in mid-1986 , negotiations seldom rose above the level of the fortune teller and the bazaar .
12 On the environment the summit noted that the areas of scientific uncertainty had been narrowed down and a response could no longer be delayed , and adopted a declaration on guidelines for future action .
13 I received a few not so long ago complaining about this place , saying that it does not speak of God ; that it is a monument to a man-made religion ; that it ought to be pulled down and a block of flats built here instead , and the money spent on missionary work abroad .
14 The houses on the corner of Elmers End Road were pulled down and a large block of flats erected on the site .
15 Kuhn argued that the comparatively long periods of normal science were punctuated by crises when the existing paradigms broke down and a new paradigm , and eventually orthodoxy , would become established ; the Copernican revolution was a prime example of this .
16 Although the new military rulers eventually decided the tournament should go ahead , somehow the orders did not filter down and a group of soldiers stormed the court , forcing Ashe to take refuge in the dressing room with a machine gun pressing against his neck .
17 The car slowed down and a chill swept over as she caught a glimpse of the driver .
18 ‘ He looked down and a faint smile touched his mouth .
19 She lay down and a sweet slumber came .
20 Some boiler restoration was taking place but there was no doubt that Ingrow West was run down and a problem to the KWVR .
21 A POLICEMAN was stabbed , an armed raider gunned down and a pensioner blasted in a village shoot-out yesterday .
22 It can easily be taken down and a smaller movable one would be quite adequate . ’
23 The landing gear was put down and a final turn was made towards the runway , then the full flap extension of 500 was selected and the final checks completed before landing .
24 It was at this critical moment that good sense got the better of the others , Big Pat was calmed down and a semblance of order was restored .
25 First there was a vague lightening of the sky ahead , then the drumming of the rain was less persistent , the lesser darkness in the heavens spread until it was over them , they could distinguish the greater irregularities of the ground , the last few drops of rain splashed down and a blissful silence spread around them broken only by the sibillations of the water draining away among the rocks and the splash of their sodden feet .
26 One afternoon towards the end of the voyage , when the sun was beating down and a fresh northerly wind was speeding the ship southwards , she leant out over the gunwale to look at the low strip of land that was in sight on the port beam .
27 When the King of Ireland reached a certain age , he would have to step down and a new king be chosen .
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